Chapter 2

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Terrified, I mentally slapped my face for being so stupid and clumsy for spilling the coffee all over my boss. I know for sure that his skin must have burned by now. Without thinking rationally, I looked at him to ask for forgiveness and to spare my life, but to my surprise, I found myself looking at the arrogant man from the cafe.

"What the hell?!" He screamed, more like growled, and I swear I felt the entire floor shook.

My eyes went big and round, my mouth opened and closed. I couldn't even find a word to describe how stupid I feel about the whole situation right now. Who wouldn't when the guy you mistook for a maniac is right in front of you? I could not believe that these stupid cliché things I only see in the movies is now happening to me.

"Oh God, why does it have to be him?" I whispered.

"What?" The furious man asked.

"I... I..." Closing my eyes shut, I did the most appropriate thing to help him calm down. At least that's what my mind was able to come up with.

I put down the cup on the table, raised both of my hands to his chest and threw strokes--up and down, to at least help him dry his expensive coat and inner shirt. That's the best thing I could do being trapped at the moment. Despite the situation, I can't help but notice how he froze under my touch and that stupid sparks I felt earlier when I slapped him came back.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

My hands stopped moving but it stayed on his chest. His words came out like a mixture of pain and pleasure and damn I would be lying if I told you I didn't find it sexy.

"I... I really didn't mean to..." Finally, my ability to speak came back. My head hung low from embarrassment.

I didn't hear him speak, but my palms were torn away from his chest and he's holding my wrists firmly but it was not painful at all. I am now starting to wonder if this is what they call sparks. You know, the tingles that you feel the moment you finally meet your soulmate?

This isn't the right time to think about things like that, Carmela.

I mentally reminded myself.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Is this how he normally speaks? He honestly sounded like someone who has to swallow hard just to spit the words out of his mouth and that he is almost out of breath.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say. He just pushed me and I almost tripped and fell but I was lucky I was able to catch my balance quickly.

I didn't dare to look at his face because I know how mad he is right now. I can feel it, weird, but it's true. It's like his emotion is lingering around me that I can sense how he feels. He moved and turned around.

Back in the pantry, I was so sure that I would fish out that man's eyes when I see him again but how would I do that knowing that he's my boss?

"Or may be not? I'm not even sure if he really is my boss. But, looking at him, he kind of looks like someone who owns a huge building. From the way he is dressed right now, he screams that "I am filthy rich!" vibe." I said weighing the facts laid out in front of me.

I sneaked a peek to look at him. He is tall and his body is well built. One can tell he's got abs and that his muscles are threatening to escape from his coat. He is pinching the bridge of his nose, taking his time to catch his breath and sort things out while I gasped after a few seconds of assessing the man standing not too far from me.

"Oh shit." I cursed. I don't really want to think about it  but I guess this is the part where he would decide whether to fire me or not.

I silently sent a prayer above, with my head laid back down and my hands intertwined. I opened my eyes and again, mentally slapped myself for being a weirdo in front of this man. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are full of emotions.

"What are you doing here?" His voice sounded calm and for the first time, it sounded normal to my ears.

"I'm here for work." I replied almost to myself. I panicked when he walked towards me. Powerful, that's how I would describe his strides.

He looks calm and intimidating at the same time and my stupid brain couldn't stop thinking at how sexy he is right now. I had to steal my eyes away from him and look at the walls behind him instead.

He stopped half a meter away from me and like what he did earlier at the cafe, he pushed his upper body forwards to match his face with mine. With his breath fanning my skin, I can't help but look back at him, down to his lips. I gulped down when he caught me staring at his lips and he smirked. He looked arrogant but darn it suits him well.

I could also smell his cologne and something like a woodsy scent and its a perfect combination. I have a feeling that he knows that his presence is almost killing me as I am drowning in his scent and it's nothing like anything I've smelt before, not even Ashton's expensive perfume.

He lifted my chin up using his forefinger and there goes the tingles once more. He is like a live wire sending volts of current through my veins, beneath my skin is a tingling feeling and I am loving it. I am hypnotized with his touch, and his eyes that held so much mystery. His eye color is a combination of dark brown and ash gray, something I have never seen before. We locked gazes and in my mind, I'd pay big time just to look at his pleading yet haunting eyes.

His eyes dropped from my eyes to my lips, brushing it lightly with his right thumb. My lips parted a little at the beautiful feeling it brought. My breath hitched when he moved his face closer than before but he went to the side of my head, his lips almost touching my earlobe, he whispered the words that I never wished to hear.

"You're fired."

My world came crashing down. Then, I just found him a few meters away from me. As if he just teleported or whatever and I am starting to think that I may have hallucinated it but I am sure as hell that he was right in front of me a few seconds ago.

Trying to recover from the breathless state he has put me in, I rushed to him. And when I caught up to his pace, I grabbed onto his arm, not minding the sparks that sent my stomach twisting. He stopped and again, froze from my electrifying touch.

"Why did you fire me?" I asked, trying not to scream at him. He's still not facing me.

He shook his arm and he slipped out of my touch and it was too much for me. Everything my boss does is new to me.

I can't be fired. Not on my first day. I didn't even get to start my work nor meet new friends here. I have been waiting for such opportunity to come and knock on my door and now that it's here, it'll be gone right away? Just like that? No. This isn't what I had expected. I need this job. I need this to pay for my bills, for my house rent. I badly need this job to survive alone.

Feeling hopeful, I crossed my fingers, hoping that he was just kidding. That he didn't mean to fire me. That he was just in a bad mood and later, he'll cool down and take back his words.

"Don't touch me."

There goes his words again. His voice like music to my ears. It's a different feeling and I hate how it makes me feel. It's sending butterflies to my stomach but that's not what matters now. Brushing off this beautiful shivers, I tried my best to look calm. Breathing in, I asked him again.

"Why did you fire me?" My voice sounded hurt but confidence overpowered. He slowly turned his face to look back at me, just a glance over his shoulder and with a groan, he said,

"First, you slapped me, second, you got me all wet. Now, get lost. " He went to his office slamming the door shut making me jump in both shock and fear.

I totally screwed up.

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