Chapter 7

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"Carmela?" I heard someone call my name. I didn't move from my bed and just hugged my huge pillow tighter.

Then, I heard the door creaked open. A small light lit my room and I did my best to avoid it, not liking how it's blinding my already swollen eyes.

"Carmela, honey."

"What are you doing here, Miss Lopez?"

Yes, I knew it was her the first time she called my name so I didn't bother moving.

"I came to visit you. You've been absent for four days now and I am starting to get really worried." There was sincerity in her voice.

I sniffed and tried to swallow the saliva that's starting to form and hid my face even more. I am not in the right mind to talk to her and I don't want my boss to see me in this state.

"I can't do this... I... I want to resign." I admitted.

"But why?" She asked as my bed sank down. I felt her sitting near my feet.

"I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand Mr. Steele's attitude towards me. He despises me and I don't know why or what I can do to make him like me..." Then I immediately cleared my throat, afraid that Miss Lopez might take it the wrong way. "Like me as his secretary." She then sighed.

"But, don't you think it's too early to give up? He's always been like this and that is the reason why his previous secretaries left the company and I don't want it to happen to you too. I can see you have this potential that the company needs. Don't you like it when you are being a big help to anyone or such?"

She said trying to convince me with her words and although she's right, he did hurt my feelings and my pride's been thrown away just like that.

"But I don't even feel like I'm working, to be honest, I don't get to speak with clients, I don't get to set an appointment nor attend meetings like normal secretaries do. I feel like I'm a useless woman trying to get her boss' attention instead of gaining skills and improving herself." I said honestly.

For the past few days that I worked there, all I did was to look at his door, waiting for him to appear, ask me for something but nothing. He never gave me the chance to prove myself to him. I doubt if he remembers he has a secretary outside waiting for him.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way dear. I promise, once you're back, you'll be working for real, I'll make sure of that. Just don't quit." I finally looked at her and saw how desperate she looked.

"But what about Mr. Steele? He must hate me more now. I didn't ask for a proper sick leave, I didn't even tell you about it."

I really feel bad right now. After what happened that night, I always cried myself to sleep. I don't know what's gotten into him when he punched Tristan and I may not have understood his last words but it's all too clear that he didn't want me in his company. He didn't like seeing me around his office and that hurt me like hell. I don't understand myself anymore but when it comes to him, I'm being a lot sensitive and so emotional. It feels like he could easily break my heart and I don't like it one bit.

"I know he's rude but he will understand. I'll talk to him and you don't have to worry about anything, okay? Now, what you have to do is take a good rest and I'll see you on monday." She said, smiling at me.

"Why are you being so nice?" I thought out loud. She came closer to me, and I sat up straight. She held my face with both of her hands.

"Because you are a family to me and a family cares for each other." She then tapped my cheek lightly and left my room. Suddenly, the heavy feeling in my chest vanished and a new set of motivation was placed.

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