Chapter 30

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"Are you alright?" Cyrus asked, his voice laced with concern and all I did was shake my head no as tears escaped my eyes in the slowest and dramatic way possible.

"Oh my goodness! What happened to you?" Even Cyrene ran towards me, but Cyrus came in first, pulling me close to him, locking my shaking form in his protective embrace.

"Baby, I'm here... Tell me, what happened?" I hiccupped not being able to stop the tears from falling.

"He's here..." I managed to say and his grip on me tightened.

"That son of a bitch!" I could not take it anymore and just cried louder. I am beyond frightened.

Whoever broke into my apartment that night definitely came here to do the same thing. Those watchful eyes leave me shaking in fear and I don't have a clue as to why this is happening to me or who is behind all this.

"I am going to get him!" Cyrus growled once more, his arms tightening even more.

"Cyrus, calm down. Can you tell me what's going on?" Cyrene asked in a commanding tone.

"I told you, someone went to Carmela's apartment, watching her and the next day, she couldn't remember about us. She hated me and now that we are having a good run, he's here to ruin it again. That asshole." I can't help but take it all in. Everything that he said.

Is it really true? Have I forgotten something right after that night? Is this about us?

"And what did that Ashton tell you again?" This is the first time I heard Tristan speak.

Cyrus breathed in heavily, his nose on top of my head as his hand brushed my hair, this somehow helped me relax but he is nowhere close to calming down.

"Ashton told me about a spell." My eyes grew big, my eyebrows furrowed.

I pushed Cyrus a little away from me and looked at him in the eyes. I can't believe it. Whatever he is saying has something to do with Ashton but how did he know about it? How can they be so sure that I am under a spell or some sort?

"This is the reason why you hate me so much. Whoever that mother fucker is, he wants you to hate me and take you away from me."

"I don't understand." I said, finally pulling myself away from security. I stepped backwards until I hit the wall.

"What are you talking about?" I asked no one in particular. None of the them answered.

Cyrene looked away while Cyrus, Tristan and that guy just held my gaze. What are they saying? I don't get it.

"Is this some kind of a joke? Cyrene?" But she just looked at me briefly before shaking her head no at me.

"I'm not in the position to tell."

"Say what? What is it that you are talking about?!" My mind is running everywhere.

"Baby, listen. This is not the right time for us to talk about it. We can't seriously tell you the details with your condition..."

"With my what, Cyrus? What condition am I in? Huh? Can anyone just tell me what the hell is going on? Who is after me and what does he want from me?!" I am seriously on the edge on breaking down.

The trauma is pushing me to panic and scream. Hearing them talk about some weird things about me is not helping too.

I covered my face with both of my hands and cried. "I don't know what's going on. I am scared." I confessed and soon enough, I felt his arms shielding me from the unknown.

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