Chapter 32

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"I said, open this goddamn door!" She demanded as she banged on it.

Cyrus put me down and was about to open the door when I beat him to it. I was then greeted by an angry Alicia and she stormed right inside the room.

"How dare you flirt with my Cyrus!" She screamed and was about to pounce on me when I slapped her right across her cheek.

She stilled. It surely caught her off guard and before she can even respond, my palm kissed her other cheek, this time, a lot harder.

"You really don't get it, do you?" I asked her and she just looked at me with her wide eyes.

"How many times do I have to remind you that Cyrus not yours?!" I screamed. Frustration clearly taking over.

I hate her guts, for claiming Cyrus as hers when he is obviously with me.

"Alicia, you are really testing my patience." The coldness in his voice when he said that was enough to make someone bow and apologize but Alicia just stepped close to him.

"Cyrus, you're not supposed to be with this girl! She is a weak loser and an easy target. Aren't you scared of what bad luck she will bring when the whole pack..."

"I dare you say another word, Alicia." With one swift movement, I found Alicia pushed against the wall, across the room, her blood running off her face as Cyrus' fingers are wrapped around her neck.

I stood there frozen, unable to move as realization hit me. All the anger I once felt flew out the window as I saw how she struggled to breathe.

"Cyrus..." was all I could say.

"Say it, Alicia! Say it!" He screamed coldly as his grip on her tightened.

The tears in her eyes cascaded like a waterfall as her hands found his wrist. I can't believe what I am seeing right now but I know I have to do something before Cyrus kills her.

"You know what I am capable of doing and I would not mind finishing you off for disrespecting your Luna." Whatever he meant by that, I don't care.

What I care about at this very second is to keep him away from Alicia and set aside all the hate I have for her. No matter how much I despise her, I can't let her die. Not in front of me, not because of me.

With a very deep breath, I dragged my feet towards them and extended my arm until it touched his shoulder. I felt him stiffen as he looked at the ceiling, probably with his eyes shut.

"Cyrus." I called out but I heard nothing as a response. I tried my best to stay calm although it is not possible as Alicia is still pushed against the wall.

I am just glad that she is able to bear whatever Cyrus is doing to her as I can still see her struggling to be set free.

"Look at me, Cyrus." I asked him in a very calm tone. His shoulders slumped and I let go the sack of air I was holding in.

I can tell that he is coming back to his senses, not fully, but at least he is somehow listening to me. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb and his eyes closed, the tension and anger are starting to weaken.

"Can you let go of her?"

"No!" That seemed to have angered him again. He looked back at me then at Alicia. I gulped down hard and hugged him from the back.

"Please, Cyrus. You are hurting her, worse, you might kill her. Please, listen to me." I pleaded as the tears streamed down my cheeks.

He must have felt the tears as they touched his skin and that finally made him let go of Alicia and turn to look at me. I heard her fall down pretty hard as she gasped for air, trying her best to catch her breath.

"How could you do this to me?!" The anger in her voice is felt although she could not speak clearly.

"I'm sorry for making you cry." Cyrus said, not even minding Alicia's words. I looked up at him and nodded my head as an answer.

He bent down and kissed me in the forehead that made Alicia lose it.

"One fucking move and I will make sure to kill you this time!" His words stopped her from slashing out, as if he had sensed her action.

I looked at Alicia who is still on the floor and when our eyes met, I felt her pain, her envy and most especially, her hatred. She hates me so much, I know but she needs to wake up from her dream. Cyrus will never be hers.

I may be unsure of a lot of things right now but one thing is clear, he is mine and I am his.

"Alicia, just go." I managed to say through my silent sobs. Her eyes pierced through mine as she, slowly helped herself get up.

"I will be gone but not for long. Remember this you wimpy human! When I get back to you, I will take back what was once mine and you, you will never see Cyrus, ever again!" She swore like a crazy bitch before storming out, leaving my heart beating impossibly fast.

Cyrus pushed his forehead to mine, "that will never happen," he said. More like his answer to Alicia's tantrums.

Of course, I trust him but a broken-hearted girl can make the impossible, possible. I am pretty sure that we will meet again and when that time comes, I hope she had woken up from her fantasies and just move on with her life.

"What happened to you? You almost killed her!" I blurted out and he sighed, pulling me close to him as he locked me in his arms.

"I would have done that just to protect you but thank you for not letting me do it. Alicia is still my friend." He said with so much sincerity.

I hiccuped once, "and I would never let you hurt anyone for my sake. You are not a bad person, Cyrus. I will never let you do such things just to protect me. I don't want to see you behind the bars and your reputation thrown right at the bin. So, please, the next time she gets under your skin, just talk to her."

I, myself know that talking will never be an option to make Alicia stay away from Cyrus but we can always try instead of hurting her physically. I just could not bear the sight of it. I am against violence and whenever I see Cyrus acting that way, it scares me. Not that I am scared he would hurt me, but I am scared that he might actually kill someone, he was so close in doing that just awhile back.

He nodded his head yes and smiled at me. "I love you so much that I would do anything to make you stay beside me," he said and that earned him a kiss from me.

"Well that is so nice of you, young man!" I jumped after hearing those words.

My eyes darted right at the door where a middle aged woman stood, staring at Cyrus and I with her arms crossed over her chest and an indescribable smile plastered on her lips.

Who could this woman be?

I looked up to find Cyrus' eyebrows furrowed and slowly, he turned his body towards the woman, pulling me to his side as his grip on my waist tightened.

"What are you doing here, mom?"

And when the M word was dropped, my heart beat ten times than its normal rate. I can't believe I am meeting his mother just a few minutes of a huge fight against Cyrus' crazy best friend. And why do I feel like there is so much going on with the mother and son staring contest?

Am I in a yet again another trouble?

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