Chapter 22

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"She was alright when I came to her last night. She was scared, yes but she did not act the way she did to you when I was with her."

"Then how can you be so sure about the shit you are telling me?" I asked.

"Because I've never seen her that mad. The way she talked to you and how furious her eyes were awhile ago told me so." He said and although he wasn't trying to make it sound like he knows my mate so well, I can't help the jealousy that's filling my heart.

"Also..." He said seriously. I looked at him and saw something dark.

"I smelt a witch's blood somewhere in her apartment." I clenched my fists as the words escaped his mouth.

This guy told me about what happened last night. Someone broke into my mate's house while she was away and that it came back to check on her.

After hearing that, I wanted to barge into the apartment where Carmela is and apologize for not being able to protect her.

"Who the hell dared to hurt my mate?" I asked furiously, my tone low and as cold as ice.

"Someone who knows about her being your mate." He said.

I looked outside the windows with a glass of wine twirling between my fingers. My eyebrows furrowed, my mind in a deep thought. I can't stop thinking about my mate. I can't stop the anger that's growing as seconds passed.

If that Vampire was telling the truth or not, that, I do not know but I can't think of something else for my mate's situation. And when I went to her apartment, there was a smell of a witch's blood but there's something else in there. Something that felt so familiar to me but I can't name it and it frustrates me.

The moment I find out who's behind all this, I will never have mercy on him and kill him with my bare hands. I will crush him until his blood dries out on me. I will break him. I will destroy him.

"Now, you care about my mate." Said the voice that I haven't heard for so long.

My eyes grew big when finally, Harry decided to talk to me once more.

"Buddy." I thought. It's been so long that he kept silent and I will be honest. I felt half of my strength went missing because Harry is part of me and now that he's back, I feel so powerful like never before.

"Well, is that all that you have to say?"


"We're going to find that son of a bitch, I promise." He said and I nodded.

"We're going to end his fucking life." I whispered and a thousand ways on how I would torture him rushed through my mind.

With one last sip, I crushed the wine glass as its liquid flowed down my hand with my blood dripping down the floor.

"I am going to find you." I said loud enough for the air to bring him this message. I know, it's going to pass through his ears and the hunting begins.


"Tristan?" I asked at Tristan who's in front of me.

I came back to get some of my things about five minutes ago and when I turned to close my closet, I was shocked to find Tristan looking at me.

"Where have you been?" He sound different today. He's not smiling also.


"I'm asking you, where have you been?" Why is he acting this way? I looked at him with confusion but sighed anyway.

"I..." But I shut my mouth and tried to think. I can't remember where I went or what happened and it's kind of weird.

I bit my lower lip and sat on my bed with my eyebrows furrowed. My head started to pounce in pain as I try to remember the events of the past days.

"Hey..." He said as he sat beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't think too much or your brain won't take it." He said laughing. I pouted my lips at him and elbowed him.

We just sat in comfortable silence until I remembered one thing.

"How did you know my place?" I asked. My heart started to beat faster as fear washed over me. He went stiff and silent at my question and that surely caught him off guard.

"I... Well..." He stammered. I stood up and tried to make some distance. I tried so hard to not make it look like I'm avoiding him. I urged him when I rose my eyebrows at him and leaned on my closet for support.

My hands are shaking and I felt more anxious when he stood up as well. He started to walk to my direction with his head hanging low. I scanned through my room to look for anything that can be used as a weapon but it was too late when Tristan grabbed me. His hands wrapped around my arms.

"Tristan... What are you..."

"Sssssh..." He whispered and I could feel my tears already. I prayed silently as I closed my eyes.

"This isn't the first time I went here." He said in a cold voice. My eyes opened as questions flooded my mind.

Is he that guy? I thought.

"I..." He said before his eyes met mine.

"I asked for your address from Cyrene." And my mouth fell slight open.

"I was worried when you didn't come back that night. I looked for you everywhere but you were nowhere to be found..." He whispered but it was enough for me to hear his words. Even the sadness and fear that laced to each of his words, I heard them.

He let go of my arms and stood straight. His eyes still looking at mine, he smiles sadly.

"So I asked Lopez for your address. Don't get mad at her because I forced her. She really did not want to, I swear..." I cut his babbling off with a hug.

I was wrong for thinking that he can do such thing to me. This is Tristan and although I've only known him for a short period of time, he proved to me that he's got a good heart. When he spoke, I felt his sincerity. He's a good guy. A sweet and caring gentleman.

"You talk too much." I told him. I was about to let go when he wrapped his arms around me. My eyes grew big.

"Don't you ever go missing again." He whispered as his arms tightened around me.

"Or I'll go crazy." That surely put my heart in a sudden race. It's not a beautiful feeling. It scared me to be honest.

"I gotta go." He said as he let me go. He's smiling at me. At this moment, it wasn't just his friendly smile. There was something behind it. Something that screamed secrets.

He was gone for a few minutes when I saw my front door.

"How the hell did he get inside when I locked the door?" I asked to myself as a gush of cold wind blew all over me.

Taking all the things I packed, I hurriedly made my way towards Ashton's apartment, with tears on my face and questions in my head.

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