Who am I?

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My old name is of no importance here. That's a life I have tried for over 12 years to leave behind.
I am Lightning, currently I am 20 years old. I have long blonde hair that reaches the middle of my back and smokey gray eyes. I stand at 6 feet tall and here's the kicker. I am a Male. A gay Male no less. I have been through so much in my life that I have lived enough experiences for two lives. At least I think so, maybe, I don't know. I've been told I tend to over exaggerate and overreact a lot. Anyway, I am going to share things with you that many people, even my loving boyfriend and family don't know. Things are not always black and white, clear cut like many expect life to be. Life is hard. Really fucking hard. And sometimes we as humans have a hard time dealing with the normalities of life. We are human. We have to remember that. And I will admit I have had a hard time remembering that I am human too. This Hell we call life is so fucked up. You wake up, go to school, and work until you die. I don't like looking at life that way. I know that there is more to life than doing what you need to do to live. Constantly fighting to stay alive. Enjoy life you never know when it will end. Many people take their own lives, trying to take the easy way out. I refuse to make that mistake again.

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