Chapter VIII.

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.Age 13.


Haven is gone. She is going to a school somewhere In Sterling heights. The summer went by to fast. It was fun though, aside from the pool party Haven and I went to the fair where we won inflatable Crayola Crayons. Seventh grade had just started until it happened. The worst thing a thirteen year old can experience. A terrible scene that will replay in my head. Still does to this day. Before I get into that some things happened over the summer. The girl I was dating had broken up with me, and now Haven and I were together.

2 months earlier....

Haven had come over to hang out and go night swimming, since the pool was heated with lights it wasn't all that bad.

While we were in the pool we were discussing our crushes. Haven was single and I was newly single.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked her.

Both of us standing in the middle of the pool enjoying the bath like water.

Blue and green lights illuminated the pool water. Making Haven look breathtaking.

"Yeah. Do you?" She asked in return.

"Yeah." I simply answer.

"The person I like has brown hair." I said.

"Cool, the person I like had blonde hair." She smiles.

"The person I like goes to a different school." I say.

"Same here."

"The person I like has divorced parents." She says.

"The person I like has a little sister." I replied thinking about her little sister Jeanie.

"The person I like has grey eyes." She says.

"The person I like has brown eyes." I say.

"Interesting." She smiles and looks at the sky.

I decided to bite the bullet and just tell her.

"I like you."

She looks back at me and replies.
"I like you too."

An awkward silence takes over the pool before she speaks.

"So are we dating now?"

"Yeah...I mean if you want to." I shyly say.

She doesn't say anything, she just nods.


She also introduced me to her friend that she met at her new school named Morgan. Morgan is pretty cool she has really long brown hair and matching brown eyes. She is so pretty. Her lips are full and she wears glasses just like Haven and I. She's been through some shit to so naturally her and I became close really quick. The way they met always cracks me up, They met in Math class from Haven Cheating off of her. 

With Kyle being single and Morgan wanting a relationship, Haven and I set them up so they are dating now too. Figured they would be a good match. They hadn't met in person but they seemed to be crazy about each other over text.

     It was a Saturday night. My Mom and Jessie were drinking...naturally. Jessie had already had a few drinks and was yelling a lot. He had to work in the morning so he said he was going to bed. He went and laid on the couch in the living room and my Mom had turned the stereo in the garage down  so we wouldn't disturb him. We had his friend over and our neighbors in the garage just hanging out. My Mom still wanted to party so we all sat in the garage and they drank more. I didn't want to be in my room by myself. Alex was in hers playing with barbies but I didn't want to do anything but sit with my Mom. I miss spending time with her. It felt like all she wanted to do was be with Alex and Jessie.

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