Chapter XXXIX

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.Age 20. Part 3.

We had agreed that we both needed to be open and work on things, not just him. He can't keep trying to sneak around with someone else behind my back. The only reason I haven't left him because of it is because he hasn't actually slept with someone else. His parents think I am crazy. Sawyer hates the fact that I check his phone and had been complaining about it to his Dad. When his Dad asked if I had a reason to go through his phone Sawyer said 'no.' Yes, Let's lie but then act like the victim.

We had agreed to start over, so to speak. We have a vacation planned to Frankenmuth which is a little German themed town upstate. My Mom had been nice enough to pay for the room so Sawyer wouldn't be to stressed about money.

I had left my job as a custodian again, but not by choice. Yes, I quit but only because I was told I had another job. Hannah's Mom found a job ad on facebook looking for a cleaner for Lakeside mall. Perfect. When in contact with the Manager he told me he needed me at Somerset mall for now, which was about twenty minutes from Lakeside. The hours were five in the morning until ten in the morning. Monday through Friday. Perfect, that way I am not killing myself and I will be working in the AC. He said he needed me the next day at four in the morning. I called Sawyer to see if he thought it was a good idea. He said yes, so I called my boss Larry and told him the situation. He shook my hand and told me I was welcome back anytime.

The next morning I went to the mall as requested and waited. I waited for a hour, called the Man over five times and sent countless messages. I watched the sun come up and employees of the mall had arrived to start their day. I had been played. I called Cam right away and she said I had nothing to worry about because Spirit Halloween opened in two weeks. Another Seasonal job but better than nothing. I came home and told Sawyer and could hear the panic in his voice. He calmed down once I told him about Spirit opening soon. I went back to bed to get a couple more hours sleep when I woke up I had over five missed  calls from my new so called boss and three messages. He told me that he forgot they had the day off and promised me he wasn't trying to bullshit me. To make sure he was telling me the truth I decided to call the company he worked for only to find out he was fired the day before. The day he hired me, he was fired.


Our vacation day had arrived. My Dad came over around eight in the morning to watch the animals. I had recently surprised Sawyer with a new kitten he named Grizabella.

The 2 hours car ride felt like nothing and before we knew it we were swimming in the indoor pool, hanging out in the hot tub and playing mini golf under a waterfall. We also walked along the streets and stopped at almost every shop we saw to get things from fudge to cheese. We were having a great time. We even brought some home made moonshine he made and got drunk in our hotel room. I always loved coming here. The last time I was here was with Kyle and we all know how that went. That feels like a different lifetime ago now. Now I am here with the man I love having a great time. Vacations for us always only last a day, then we have to go home. Sawyer could only get the one day off and needed to be to work tomorrow. I had taken the weekend off of Spirit to come here so I had sunday all to myself. Winter is almost here and I can't wait to see what that is going to be like.

Once we got home, My Dad left and I cleaned up the mess he left behind. Sawyer is also working at Spirit with me for the season. Work has been going well, I actually really like retail. I don't know why people complain about it so much, I am also an assistant manager so I have a bit more power than most who are just employees at fast food places. Things are going well finally I am employed half the year and still have some time before I have to figure out the other half. Money was coming in and I could finally help Sawyer with my half of the bills, something I haven't been able to do since GCA.

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