Chapter V.

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.Age 10.

         Well. The divorce is final. My Mother had taken my Dad to court for custody for the three of us sharing a room but that backfired on her. Jessie and Uncle Ron moved to Colorado for a year but they are back now. Sadly. He and my Mother just  bought a house. My Mom tells me that I am not going to the same middle school as my friends. I will be going to Middle School South instead of Central.

The first night in the new house my Mom called me and my sister In the kitchen. Alex is now four years old. She had long brown hair and blue eyes, similar to my Mom but my Mom has hazel eyes. The blue eyes come from my dads side. 

When we get to the kitchen my Mom and Jessie are standing next to each other.

I never really see my Mom worried or nervous. But she looked like she was going to vomit. She looked at me and I could tell her heart was beating out of her chest.

"How would you feel if I told you Jessie and I are going to get married?" She asks holding his disgusting hand.

My sister was so excited.

"Yay!!" She shouted. And ran and hugged Jessie.

She really likes him, but I have to remember that she didn't see what I saw. What Mom did to Dad. What Jessie made her do. 

I couldn't hide my tears. They started pouring down my face. I am filled with rage, sadness and depression.

"You look upset about it. Do you want to talk about it?" My Mom asks.

I stood there crying and staring at them. My Mom, her boyfriend, and my little sister. The perfect family. I am not in that family. Why did he have to come in and ruin my family? Why?

"You do what you want. But I'm not going." I stuttered and walked away into my bedroom.


        It's the day that Mom and Jessie get married. I had told my Mom that I wasn't going but she changed her mind on accepting that. So now I am being forced to go to a wedding that I wish would crash and burn.

It was noon and I was being taken out of school to be taken to the court house. Yeah swell guy, can't even give my Mom a proper wedding.

My Mom grabbed me from school and shortly we arrived. My family and his family was there. Waiting for the ceremony to start.

Everyone took their seats and we began.
The judge went through the whole wedding routine and before I knew it they were kissing. I couldn't hold it in. I let everything out. I bawled my eyes out.

Everyone else was crying because of joy and love. I was crying because I felt like a part of my childhood had died.

The recipe for disaster was Jessie. I have never hated someone as much as I hated him. I knew that when they said 'I do' I was no longer relevant. Now all of my Mothers love and attention will be focused on him and Alex. Not me. No one really ever paid attention to me, I was used to it. But at least I knew I was loved. I begged my Mom not to marry him, But she chose him anyway. Wouldn't you feel betrayed? 

The reception back at the house was okay. But I hid myself in my room. I didn't want to be apart of it anymore. I don't want to be here anymore. I just want to pack up my things, jump out the window and run as fast as I can to somewhere far away.

The party went on until 3 am. I came out of isolation every so often to say goodbye to the guests and to get some food. Other than that I was completely content hiding In my room watching Ghost Whisperer. A knock at my door startled me.

"Hey can I come in?"

I look over at my door and it's Jessie.

What could he want?

"Yeah I guess. Not my house." I said keeping my eyes glued to Jennifer Love Hewitt talking to the dead man.

"Why aren't you out at the party?" He asks.

"Well for one, I'm not entirely thrilled you married my Mom. So why would I go celebrate?"

He lets out a heavy sigh.

"I hope you come around. Me and your Mom, we make eachother happy." He said standing from the bed.

"We were happy before you ruined my family." I snapped back not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Your dad never made your Mom happy."

Okay only a chapter or two left until everything goes downhill hill. Fast. Welcome new readers. Again I know the childhood is dragging on but I want you guys to understand why I am the way I am. Hope you keep reading. Leave comments on parts you like or don't like. Make sure to vote and follow. Thank you all so much for reading .

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