Chapter XLI

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.Age 21. Now.

Toward the end of the year the Christmas party came for our friends along with a small New Years celebration. Welcome to 2019.

Happy 21st birthday to me. I could finally drink. Mom and Aunt Jenna are taking me bar hopping tonight and I can't wait. Sawyer is going as well but for now I'll just sit here and play Final Fantasy X-2 and respond to texts and calls wishing me a happy birthday.

Once night fell, Mom picked Sawyer and I up and we met Aunt Jenna downtown. The bar was dimly lit and we were right next to the guitar player which drove my Mother nuts. I ordered my drink of Jack Honey and ginger ale, and was disappointed when I didn't get carded. I waited twenty one years for this and no one asked me for my fucking ID. The night carried on as we went to two more bars downtown before I got over it. I was a little buzzed but not bad. I just wanted to go home and hang out with my kids and soon to be husband. When Mom dropped us off Sawyer and I loaded up kingdom Hearts and began to play.

My birthday passed and I had a lot of fun. I had drank before so it wasn't anything huge. I just now could do it legally. But I am glad that everyone got along for the night. My Aunt Jenna has a bad habit of bad mouthing my Dad. We got into a fight last year about it because I had said I left Dad my car in my will. When I got my insurance through the state, they saw I had crohn's and had me make one. She flipped her shit and just started talking shit about him. Now normally I don't care. Say what you want. But not when My fourteen year old sister is sitting right there listening to you run your drunkard mouth. I told her was a bitch and she charged me. Sawyer stood up to block her from me but I kept pushing. I told her to fucking hit me. That way I could lay into her. Some of the the things she was saying was true. My Dad never acted his age. Him and Mom had issues that I was too young to get involved in. She knew more than I did. He didn't have a very good job and my Mother did do almost everything for us. I remember when I was little mom and I were doing a puzzle on the floor and she told him to join, but he was to wrapped up in football. Mom thinks I choose his side and worship him. I worship no one. He is not perfect. But who is? After a heated argument I attempted to give her a hug to show my apology, and she said 'No.' I then told her she was a Fucking Cunt and not to contact me. That was the last time I saw her and she has made no attempt to apologize, but from what Mom and Alex tell me she apologized to them for causing a scene. But won't tell me she's sorry because why? You're older and I have to bow down to you? I have never been like that. I dont give a fuck who you are if you are wrong I will tell you to your damn face. And one thing to know about me, I rarely apologize. 

Time passed and we eventually moved on. I don't take lightly to shit talking about parents. Mom or Dad. I respect them both but they should respect their children and not get them involved in their issues with each other. All families are fucked up but mine seem to like to cause drama where it is not needed. And I don't hold back when it comes to calling them out. Never have. Never will.

For the last few months I have been trying to convince Sawyer to let me get a dog. The last dog I had was Lue and that was when I was eight. He kept saying no because we couldn't afford it, even though I was paying for it. Carlee had heard about it and told me she would buy the dog. So I found the one I wanted and she payed. Now we had a new little American Bully puppy named Zero. He was ten weeks old when we got him and all he did was sleep and eat. He was the cutest puppy I had ever seen and he was mine. I was scared because I know dogs are a huge responsibility, but I already have a ton on responsibilities at home. We even have two birds now. My blue bird named Cocoon and Sawyer's yellow one name Cloud. Cocoon is a girl and Cloud is a boy. The first night with Zero was hard. He got locked up in the kitchen, the one room besides the bathroom with tile floor. All he did was cry, so I ended up sleeping in the kitchen with him.

LightningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora