Chapter XXIV

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.Age 18. Part 5.

          It was done. My longest friendship besides Carlee was over. All because he wanted to protect some girl. Whatever. If he wants to choose a girl he doesn't even truly know over a eight year friendship then that is his choice. I did what I could but I just couldn't take anymore.

I walked outside onto the porch and called Hannah. I filled her in on what happened and she told me good job that it was probably for the best. I also called Cat. She told me the same thing expressing how difficult that must have been to do. I messaged Haven as our argument progressed so she is all caught up. This is just ridiculous, I should miss him. Even a little but I don't.

2 weeks later...

I woke up and got ready for school as normal. My friend Alyssa lives down the street so she offered to drive me to school as well. It was my last day of High School. My last time in class, wandering the halls. Last everything. It didn't feel real. I was about to graduate when not many of my family thought I would. I showed them. I wore a low cut shirt with a thin navy blue hoodie over it. My hair had been dyed from blonde to brown and I was loving the length. Ever since I cut it I have been waiting for it to grow back, now my bangs are passed my eyebrow and it swishes now! That made me so happy my hair is floppy again. I always go behind the fence before school starts to have a cigarette. My last time behind this fence.

The day goes by quickly and before I knew it I was in my last class of the day. Speech class. Ever since Kyle and I stopped being friends I always dreaded this class because I sat next to him.

"Happy last day seniors." Mrs. O says to us.

"For the last day we will be doing farewell speeches. I am going to walk around with a bucket that has sticks, each stick has a name on it. The stick you pull is who you  write your one paragraph farewell to. No switching. If you need help finding out who is who please let me know." She says and begins walking around.

Alyssa grabbed her stick as she sat in front of me. I grabbed mine and had no clue who the girl was. I asked Mrs.O to point her out and she did. Kyle grabbed his stick and a sigh escaped through his lips. Wonder if he got Alyssa that would be funny considering they don't really like each other. Not by my doing I may add. They had a history. He liked her and she didn't or she liked him and he didn't. I can't remember. 

I begin to write my paragraph and before I knew it we were starting speeches.

About 5 minutes in Alyssa gets called up to the podium. She begins reading saying how she wished she would have taken the time to get to know this guy better. And ends with farewell Kyle.

Called it.

I tried to contain my laughter because of the shade of red the short white girl with the mid length brown hair turned. Then Kyle walked up to the podium to read his speech. Whoever you read your speech to is next to read.

"Here's to someone who has always been there for me. We have known each other for years and I consider you family. I know we are fighting right now but I am hoping we can patch things up over the summer. I miss you and love you man. Here's to my friend."


When he said my name at the end I felt every single set of eyes on me. I was embarrassed because I have learned not to wear my heart on my sleeve. It became very hard to make me cry after last year. But he was my weakness. The one I couldn't lock away like the rest. Within one paragraph he made my face turn beat red and caused me to stand up without thinking and walk as fast as I could to the podium. To my surprise he met me halfway and wrapped his arms around me hugging me as I cried. The class awed and clapped. I could have stayed like that forever. Until I realized I was up next.

I tried to deliver my speech the best I could but with what Kyle said it was so hard to focus. I barely made it through talking about how I wish I would have gotten to know one of my classmates better but the crying wouldn't stop. I was happy. Happy and shocked beyond Hell. Not only did he basically apologize but he did it in front of the whole class. We had so much to talk about but I had to calm down first, and I can't do that while in the same room as him.

Soon enough the class bell rang dismissing us one last time. I booked it out of the classroom and on my way down stairs to my locker I could feel him following me. When I got to my locker my friends were in front of it waiting for me. Ashton and Carlee kept asking what was wrong while my other friend Savannah saw Kyle and immediately asked what he did, backing him into a corner, which of course caused everyone else to ask the same. I finally managed to tell them.

"He did nothing wrong."

Everyone backed away and told me they would wait for me outside. When they left is when my heart started racing. It felt like it had been forever since we last spoke.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied.

"Listen I am really sorry. It's not like us not to talk."

"I'm sorry too. And thank you for the speech. Do you think I could keep it?" I ask.

Without saying a word he put the folded paper that he had written the lovely words on in my hand and smiled.

Doug walked up and saw us. I had kind of kept him in the loop about what was going on.

"Hey. Let's get going." He said.

I looked at Kyle as if I was waiting for permission.

"We will talk later." He said turning and walking to his locker

I couldn't believe what just happened.

The thing I have been waiting weeks for him to do. He finally did it. So... Now what?

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