Chapter XXXII

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.Age 19. Part 5.

    FLASHBACK TO CHRISTMAS PARTY BEFORE THE MOVE OUT .                                                                                

I sat in the car with Sawyer and started to explain everything. Including the betrayal that Lexi brought to us all.

"I always have a christmas party at my house every year where my friends come over and we exchange gifts and just have a good time. Well Kyle couldn't make it this last Christmas because of school. He had gotten a girlfriend so we thought he just wanted to spend time with her. So we have the party as normal. We didn't really talk much about Kyle but since he wasn't there, we would reminisce about our favorite times with him, But that was it. It was me, Morgan, Hannah, Haven, Jeanie, Ashton, Taylor and Lexi. Now Morgan and Kyle used to date so she had made a comment about how when Morgan sat on his lap and called him Daddy he got hard. I said that I was in love with him but after meeting David I started to outgrow that phase. And Haven said that the fight they had made them closer and we were really excited to meet his girlfriend. Everyone stayed the night except Lexi and Taylor. Remember that okay? It's Important. About a week after the party Kyle had come home for Christmas day. We had the party early. I was driving Sherry home from work and he sent me a message saying he wanted Morgan, Haven and I to meet up that night because he had something to tell us. We all thought he got his girl pregnant and he needed to tell us. Mind you, we haven't talked to him since the Christmas party because we called to say we were missing him. When we all got together at my house he asked if we could go outside and talk. I found that odd because it was cold as hell outside. Now Havens dog died that day so she wasn't in the best mood. And we had all just gotten home from a long day at work. He took us outside and went...

"I need to know what's going on and why you all felt the need to shit talk me at the Christmas party." 

Now we were all confused. Jeanie was even there and she said.

"We didn't, we talked about you but it wasn't anything bad."

"Oh really? Then why did I get a call that night from someone that was at the party telling me all the horrible shit you said?" 

His voice was getting louder and louder. I was waiting for someone to call the cops.

"Who called you?" I asked.

"I don't have to tell you that. Why don't you be honest and tell me what was being said."

"Kyle,  I can figure this out with one phone call." I said.

The girls stood behind me holding back their rage.

"I highly doubt that Lightning, Your not that scary to where they would just tell you."

"Um, first of all you say I'm not that scary but you are the one screaming at us and from my point of view your to scared to get in my fucking face! Second of all everyone who was at the party stayed the night except two people. Lexi and Taylor. So if you want to continue to be a jackass then fine I can be a bitch, it's what I'm good at." I yelled.

"Fuck you, Light. I'm more mad that you guys would do that." He barks back.

"What was said?" Morgan asked.

"Wow being with Seen really made you fucking retarded didn't it." He said.

Kyle had never liked Seen. 

"Fuck you Kyle." Morgan said Lunging at him. Jeanie grabbed her just in time and dragged her back inside. 

"I'm not dealing with his." Haven said walking in after them.

"What? To immature to deal with issues you just gonna run away?!" He yelled.

I love Haven, but Kyle was right, she always does that. If there is something she doesn't wanna talk about she will walk away. She doesn't like confrontation but life throws that to you sometimes.

"I'm still here." I say.

"Of course...the star of the show." 

"What the fuck does that mean ass wipe. If you wanna talk then tell me what was said instead of screaming on my porch acting a fool."

"I got a phone call the night of your party. She said that you sat on my lap and called me Daddy and I got hard, That you were still in love with me, that you wished I was your first, That Morgan regretted dating me. I even heard that Haven said she doesn't consider me a friend anymore."

I was dumbfounded. I can't believe they would do that. NONE OF IT WAS TRUE.

"Kyle, none of that was said."

"Oh so I am just supposed to believe that she made all of that up right? Why would she? She has no reason." He screamed. 

"No! Damn it! Shut the fuck up and pay attention! Some of that was said, yes. But not by me or Morgan. Haven never said she didn't like you. Morgan was the one who said the daddy thing, I said I had a dream that you were my first and no Kyle I am not in love with you anymore." I yell back.

"Bullshit. Fucking bullshit." He screams getting in my face.

"You have three seconds to get the fuck out of my face before you are unrecognizable." I said calmly. 

He listened and back away.

"Lighting, You need to get something through your head. You have got to move on! This fantasy you have of you and I getting together is just a fantasy. I have never loved you and I never will." 

"Well. Thanks for that, it not like I hadn't... Oh, I don't know? Gotten married to someone that wasn't you, dicklick!" I have had it. Is he fucking serious?!

"Just because you got married doesn't mean a thing!" He shouts.

We were interrupted by Jeanie bringing me my coat with my smokes in it. I felt around in the pockets and the sneaky bitch but one of my knives in there. Smart girl. She ducks back inside and our argument decreses. 

"If you ever lunge at one of them again, especially the thirteen year old. I will Fuck. You. Up. Just remember that."

"I would never." He said. 

"You just did!... Nevermind we need to move on." I said.

"I was never in love with you I don't need to move on from you! We were never a thing!" He shouts.

"I meant in the conversation douche bag." I said lighting a smoke.

"Oh. Sorry." He says lowering his voice.

"Look Lightning. You're my bro, and I love ya. But you have a choice to make. I can either hug you and go home and we will be good. Or I can get in my car and never come back. It's your call." He said crossing his arms waiting for me to answer.


"Well? Did you hug it out?" Sawyer asked.

"Yeah, We did. And we have been good ever since." I say throwing my cigarette out the window.

"I don't like what he did to you but if he is your friend I will respect that. Who ended up calling him anyway?"

"Well I thought Taylor did it so I called her and asked. She said 'no' but that night Lexi came home and locked herself in her room and was on the phone for almost two hours. So that's all I needed to know." 

"But why did she do it?" Sawyer asked.

"I was shocked to learn this but, the whole time I was talking to Lexi about my feelings for him, It turned out that she felt the same way about him too." I responded.

"Holy shit." He laughed out.


"Sorry that really sucks to have lost a friend over a guy." He said.

"It wasn't over a guy. She stabbed me in the back. The only thing I feel bad about is that she had feelings for him and I just kept telling her more and more."

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