Chapter II

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.Age 7.

       Life has been busy.  After the concert, I slowly watched my Mothers stomach grow in size. She would randomly get mad at me for no reason and I couldn't figure out why. She would also crave spaghetti almost constantly. Other than that I don't have many memories of her being pregnant, I remember feeling the baby kick sometimes and the random cravings but the rest was a blur.

Now I am sitting in a hospital room...well waiting room. My Grandpa and I wait outside as I hear my Mothers agonizing screams come from door 207. I was getting upset and my Papa did what he could to calm me down, but how could I? My Mom was screaming and no one would let me in the room to try and help her. I didn't know why she was screaming. I was six, I had no idea how babies were born so I was confused. She probably just wants her son in there with her. My Dad was in there but from what I can remember I didn't like him very much. I remember kicking him in the balls a couple of times just because. Something I regret now.

     Soon the screams silenced and we were called in to meet my baby sister. She was so small and had dark hair with grey eyes just like me, although her eyes were more blue than mine, but it went perfectly with her dark brown hair. My Mother and Father looked so happy to have another baby. Although I was a bit nervous, nervous that I would be forgotten with my new sister Alex around. I was filled with joy and terror at the same time as I looked into her  eyes. Soon after my Mother passed out, and the rest after that was a blur. I can remember taking her home for the first time, Mom and Dad had a crib in their room and that's where Alex stayed.

       Life was normal for a while,  I got cast aside for a bit but I could tell my parents were making an effort to keep me in their thoughts. I love my sister but what about me. Where do I fit in with the family anymore. I get that she is a baby and she needs a lot of attention but so did I, I started resenting her a bit. I remember this one time when I was feeding her on the couch and she threw up on me. I let go of her head and it tapped the couches arm. My Mom lost her mind when that happened.

     After a couple months it was time to move again. TO AN ACTUAL HOUSE! No more apartments, no more trailers. We have an actual house. It was small but very nice. When you walk in you enter the living room and go to your right and is the entrance to the kitchen. Going down the hall is one bathroom and 3 bedrooms two of them were in a row and the other next to the bathroom.

Life was normal for about 2 months. That's when it happened. The day I ruined my family forever. The make of destruction in my parents relationship...

My Dad was working late one night at Farmer Jack's, so my Mom brought me to a party my Uncle Ron( her brother)  was hosting at my Papa's house. He invited a lot of people including his best friend. Jessie. I haven't met him before but he scared me. He was a biker and loved to flirt with everyone he met. The night was a blur but when I found my Aunt Jenna I had to ask where my Mom had gone off to, I hadn't seen her in a while, all I saw were drunk strangers yelling about absolutely nothing.

"Where is Mom?" I asked.

"Her and Jessie are out in the backyard." She slurs. Her bright blue eyes looked sloshed and her blonde hair is messy.

She's been drinking. Everyone has.

I made my way to the back of the house to the backyard to see my Mom and Jessie wrestling in the backyard. I liked to pretend I was a spy, I tried my best to sneak to the trailer my Grandpa had In the yard but no such luck, they saw me.

"Hi honey what's up?" My Mom giggled.

"Just making sure you're okay, I wanna go home I'm getting tired." I said.

"Okay honey go say goodbye and I'll be in in a second." She says and continues to throw Jessie into a headlock and laugh.

I made my way back into the house and said goodbye to my Aunt and Uncle. I grabbed my stuff and sat at the kitchen table ready to go. The smell of alcohol invaded the entire house and there was drunk people passed out everywhere.

Lightningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें