Chapter XL

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.Age 20. Part 4.

With working at Spirit I wanted to do good by Cam. She had saved my ass with a job multiple times and wanted to do the best I could at this job. I worked damn near everyday. I got breaks to eat and smoke but other than that I was walking around the huge store and stocking. The black peg walls surrounded us but once you walked behind them a wide open space was available. The store we had for the season was huge. So much space to build a maze or more attractions for the customers. There I met new friends as well. Megan, we all thought she was our age when we first saw her. She had blonde hair that reached the middle of her back and brown eyes. She was about the same height at Cam reaching around five foot eleven inches. Desire, A short girl who was my age. She always made us laugh when we were all stressed at work. Katie, a eighteen year old who is the hardest worker I had ever met. She worked at Spirit and did part time at another retail store. And Justin. I had knows Justin for a couple years now and even hired him last year as the Easter bunny. He did a good job, and became close with Cam so she brought him back for Spirit. He knew how to do his job but lacked when it came time to listen to direction from me or any of the other managers, except Cam. He always listened to what Cam said and never gave her any problems. It drove the rest of us nuts. 

About two weeks into working at Spirit I had finally gotten a car. A 2006 Saturn Vue. My Moms neighbor was moving and needed to sell it. Sawyer and I took a look at it and her neighbor only asked six hundred. Jessie was nice enough to give him three hundred, that way I just needed to pay both of them three hundred and was told by Jessie he was in no rush to get the money. The car drove great, only problem was it needed new wheel bearings. Once that was fixed the car was great. Life was finally starting to get good again. I was still pretty bummed that I wasn't making money year round but I loved my job. I know I am only twenty years old but I felt like this was the job I was waiting for. I had been cleaning the last three years and that is all I thought I was qualified for. Thank God Cam called when she did.

During the Fall months some events happened that tested my patience to the max. Sawyer had been having issues with his Jeep and called me early one morning to tell me he had flipped over due to a tire going flat. I turned on the news to see his Jeep on its side. It was towed away and a police officer was nice enough to drop him off at Spirit. Sawyer's dad was nice enough to let Steve borrow the Trailblazer this time. 

Spirit was coming to a end and it was time to go back to Santa set. All of us packed up the pack rats for Spirit which would house the items that weren't sold for the following year, and booked it over to Lakeside across the street. It was good to be back. I missed my Santas and just the job in general. I had started my Christmas shopping early and was so excited for Sawyer to get his gifts from me. He had been asking for this since I knew him and he was finally going to have it.

Black friday, The craziest day in the mall. Not so much for my Santa set but just in general. Cam gave me the morning off on black friday so Haven, Desire and I could go shopping. We met at the mall around five in the morning and began our shopping. Black friday shopping is not as bad as people think, You just have to know when to go. I go really early in the morning. I have been going every year for the past four years and I have never waited in a line longer than five minutes. But once fie in the afternoon hits, Run. 


It was finally Christmas morning and Santa set is over. I am now collecting unemployment until Easter kicks off again. It has become a tradition that Alex stay with us on Christmas morning. She is still a kid so she still has to do alternating Holidays with Mom and Dad. This year Mom had her on Christmas eve so when Sawyer and I went over to exchange presents, we took her home with us. Yesterday I worked up enough courage to ask Sawyer something I have been wanting to ask him for a while now. Before we went to my Moms, I drove to my old apartment where we first met. I parked the car where he asked me to be his boyfriend. I asked him to marry me. I had already told him that if I ever were to ask, It was one and done. I won't ever ask again. Thankfully he said 'Yes' which meant we were engaged again. I had bought him a black and purple ring and placed it on his finger and got matching one for myself.

I woke up on Christmas and woke up the entire house. I was so happy I could finally buy actual presents again. Alex and Sawyer grabbed coffee and met me in the living room around the tree. I passed out the presents and they began to open them. Ashley opened some Nightmare Before Christmas jewelry and some clothes. I then begged Sawyer to open his. He started with the skinny one wrapped in all red. It was a wall scroll of Sephiroth, from Final Fantasy VII. Then he got to the good one. He had been wanting this since I met him and I found it for dirt cheep. He opened the massive box to find a industrial Kitchen Aid mixer. The smile on his face said it all. He does so much for me, paying all the bills when I cant for example. I wanted to get him something good. I had received a wolf bathroom set. I love wolves and love decorations so it was a perfect fit. Sawyer also go me a Kingdom Hearts necklace, I wear everyday now.

With Christmas at my house being done it was time to head over to my Dads. Drop Alex off and open presents. I knew my Dad was having a hard time with money so I wasn't expecting to get anything from him, but boy was I excited to see him open his gifts from Sawyer and I. When we got there we all sat down in the living room and handed Dad his gifts. He started with the small one, which I told him to do. He opened it and jumped me with a hug and began crying into my shoulder. I had purchased him a Laptop. His computer had died and he could never get the money together to get a new one. He cares for my Grandma who had to stop working due to health concerns so I know he really needed one. Along with the Computer was a bluetooth printer. He lucked out from me this year but I was glad to help.

Christmas had come and gone and soon it would be my birthday. Finally 21.

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