Chapter III

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          After catching my Mom cheating it wasn't long before I told my Dad. His reaction scared me. He wasn't angry, he wasn't violent. He was sad. My whole life I have never seen my Dad cry. Not once. But this event, that caused him so much pain and sadness, I never wanted to see it again. This is Jessie's fault. I hate him. I loathe him.

About a month passed and I watched my Mom move out of our house and back in with my Papa. This is her fault too. First, she cheats on my Dad. Second, She tries to lie about it and now Third, she is abandoning us. I was angry at her too.

 In all the mess my Father tried to cheer me up. He tried making my favorite food but french toast was not going to fix this issue, I honestly don't think anything will. I felt betrayed by my own Mom, She packed up and moved out.  

In another attempt to cheer me up my Dad told me to get in the car and that he had a surprise for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. You'll just have to see." He said smiling for the first time in a month.

He has not slept in his bed since Mom left, he says it's to hard for him. I can't blame him.

Thirty minutes pass and we arrive at an animal shelter.

"What are we doing here?" I ask him.

"Getting you a dog." His smile grows.

You could tell he was excited too, maybe her was just excited for me. Or that we will have a companion in the house, one that won't run off and cheat on us.

"Really!" I shout, waiting for him to tell me it's a joke.

"Yes really!" He says and I couldn't have gotten out of the car fast enough.

As we walk in and look at the three puppies they have available I point out the rottweiler.

"That one!" I say jumping up and down.

"I'm sorry honey someone already adopted him." The nice lady said.She pulled her short black bobbed hair into a small ponytail and began showing the rest of the dogs.

"Well... what about this one." I ask looking a the beagle.

"He is available."

"You want that one bud?" My Dad asked. He slicked his brown hair back and awaited my answer.

"Yeah he's cute." I said.

"Okay let's get the papers signed." The woman says and leads us to the front counter.

After the papers are signed and the money is paid they walk out with him. My dog.

"Do you have a name picked out?" My Dad asked.

"Yeah. Lue." I said.

I remember my love for the movie Cats and Dogs. The main character is a beagle named Lue. So I thought it was a fitting name.

The drive home was shorter than I expected. And Lue was getting used to his new home. I had never been so happy, but I also know that everything was falling apart. My Mom was gone with Alex. Probably with Jessie. I hate him.

Puppies are a lot of work. He poops all the time. He even covered my sisters floor with it. Bad puppy, but he was loved. And I was happy for the first time in months. I just wish I could have done something to make my dad feel better.

If only I know how short lived this happiness would be. How little time I had with my dog. And the minimal days I had in this house. Soon I would come to the realization that whenever something good happens, something terrible follows.

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