Chapter XXX

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.Age 19. Part 3.

Today is the day. Sawyer and I had been messaging back and forth since January. It is now April and we agreed it is about time that we meet up in person. The apartment was really starting to come together. Every payday after work Haven and I go to a 24-hour Walmart and just shop till our heart's content. We are really enjoying ourselves. Work is work. I had been transferred from the school I was cleaning and given two buildings. I spent half the day at the elementary school cleaning the upper floor and the rest of my night was spent cleaning the high school. It's pretty boring work but I had made a friend at work. Sherry. She is a heavier black woman that loves to goof off with me when we are done cleaning for the day. My car had started having issues. I got the gas tank replaced because the previous owner had run over a deer and punctured the tank. Moose was nice enough to do that for me. And more recently, the battery died on black friday last year. That didn't stop Neil and I from going shopping for a new one that morning.

It was settled. Sawyer was going to be coming over today after he goes and picks up his new car. Not new new, but new to him. I was so nervous. Major butterflies in my stomach. Havens sister Jeanie and her friend G had stopped by and were spending the night. Brenden was also over and before Sawyer got here we figured we would walk up the street to Hungry Howies and get a pizza for dinner. I had already gotten ready for when Sawyer comes over. I had my hair down, it had grown out enough to where it just reaches my shoulders. I had a long sleeve black shirt on that hung off my left shoulder, leaving it exposed. And a pair of blue jeans with my black combat boots. I thought I was looking pretty good. On the way back from getting the pizza Brenden thought it was a good Idea to nudge me, so naturally he took off in fear I would kill him. I started chasing after him. And boom, I went down getting mud all over my shirt. He ran back to me helping me up and asking if I was okay. I nodded my head and walked back to the house.

"YAY foo...What happened to you?" Jeanie asked, brushing her short rainbow hair out of her eyes.

"I was running and wiped out, Sawyer is gonna be here in less than a hour! What do I do now?" I said starting to panic.

"It's okay, lets go get you cleaned up." 

She took my hand and walked me into my room.

"Okay what do you wanna wear?" She asked.

"This..." I sarcastically say.

"Well, You can't wear that." She said looking through my closet.

I watched her make nasty faces at my GCA shirts. She knows we hate that place but they pay is decent. We recently got a two dollar raise and now make eleven dollars a hour.

Jeanie had finally found a shirt for me to wear. It was a long sleeve maroon shirt that went over the shoulder as well. Over the years I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone. In high school I always wore sweatpants and oversized hoodies because I was to insecure about how thin I am. Now I am starting to get into wearing makeup on my eyes and better fitting clothes. Let me just get one thing clear here. I don't want to be a female. I am very comfortable with my sexuality now, I just like wearing makeup because I think it makes me look better. Smoking takes a toll on your skin. Brenden had apparently left in the process of me getting re-ready.

After that was taken care of and she fixed my makeup I received a text from Sawyer letting me know he was here.  I had walked out of my apartment complex and asked if he saw me. He said he didn't and I didn't see a jeep in my parking lot. I then asked if he saw a light, I had turned on my flashlight to make it easier for him to see.

"Found you be over in a sec" He texted.

I saw a jeep pull out of the complex and drive over to mine.

I was nervous as fuck, what if he thought I was ugly. How do I greet him. Do I kiss him, hug him, or shake his hand? He got out of his truck and started walking up to me on the steps. I had to make a choice and soon. When he walked up to me he was a bit shorter than I thought he would be. He stood at 5'10. He had short brown hair that was longer on the top and shorter on the sides. He was a bit thicker but from the look of his arms it seemed like muscle. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and said 'hi'.

I then invited him inside to meet the girls. They promised that after meeting him they would go into Havens room and let us have the living room. When he walked in I saw that the top of his hair was baby blue and the sides were brown to match is goatee. I introduced them all to him and surprisingly enough It was going very well. He has a lot in common with all of us. He likes tattoos but doesn't have any yet. He likes Harry potter, which was enough to win Haven over.

After we all talked for what seemed like hours, the girls disappeared into Havens room and Sawyer and I sat on the couch to watch a scary movie. I turned on Sinister and sat next to him with a bowl of popcorn. Being only inches away from him just made my heart race. He then did the cheesiest thing, He yawned and put his arm around me. It took everything in me not to laugh. He is really cute. Way better looking than his profile picture. When sinister was over I had put on the sequel. I had looked at Sawyer while the loading screen was on the TV and just stared at him. Creepy I know but I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming. This couldn't be real. He is so cute and so nice.  No one is ever interested in me and I couldn't believe he was.

You thought the same about Dan and look where that got you.

My subconscious reminds me of my late husband. I had not told Sawyer any of this, I figured it would scare him off. I looked back up at him and noticed that he was staring at me as well. He was leaning in closer to me and my heart about burst out of my chest. I leaned in and our lips connected. He bit my bottom lip and drove me over the edge. Our kiss started to magnify and I can honestly say I forgot about all my worries. I have never felt fireworks like this before. It was pure bliss. A sudden scream echoed through the living room and completely forgot we were watching a horror movie. We looked at eachother and started laughing. He pulled me in again and we started to kiss again. This time it was more passionate. Next thing I know we are on the floor and he is on top of me just kissing me. I could feel him starting to grow as we got more into the moment. He went to unbutton my jeans when I stopped him.

"I don't wanna go to fast." I whispered.

The girls had fallen asleep as far as I knew and I didn't want them to wake up.

"Okay baby." He said.

We continued to make out for another thirty minutes until we looked at the time. 5am.

"Hate to do it baby but I have a hour drive." He said getting his shoes on.

"Okay,  I had a good time. Let me walk you to your car." I said getting my shoes on as well.

I walked him to the back of the parking lot where he had parked his jeep and gave him another passionate kiss.

"When am I gonna see you again?" I asked.

"Hopefully soon, why?" He asked.

"Well maybe next time you're over we can..." I trailed off putting my hand down his pants grabbing his length that was still ready.

He moaned in my ear. 

"You're dangerous." He laughed. 

I pulled him close to me and whispered as quietly as I could to him.

"You have no idea."

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