Chapter XXV

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.Age 18. Part 6.

The dance I dreaded going to. I started off High school being a very shy person. The moment I let my guard down is when the bullying started. Luckily for me mine wasn't so severe but it made me put back up my wall just to protect myself. I hate dressing up. I dread it. I don't think I look good and I feel out of place wearing a suit and tie. But everyone is making me go. They say I will regret it if I don't. So I asked Ruth to prom and got my best suit and tie out. I bought her a corsage and before I knew it, she pulled up in my driveway. She drove a tan 1998 Chevy blazer. Her and Tisha, who was also tagging along, looked beautiful. Ruth wore a strapless half white, half black dress that faded colors diagonally. Tisha wore a fluffy purple dress that made her look like a Disney princess. She even had a crown on. After we took pictures at my house we got in Ruth's Blazer and head off to the park where we met up with the rest of our prom party.  The park was so packed we had to park a couple blocks away and walk the rest of the way. I felt bad for Ruth and Tisha who wore heels. The park photos went by quick and soon we arrived at Villa Penna. The venue hosting our prom.

When we walked in we were escorted to our table and the dimly lit venue was decorated in blue and white balloons and sheets. We took a seat and when I got up to get drinks is when I saw him. He was walking over to the bar as I was leaving.

"Well well, Lightning. Never thought I would see the day you get all dressed up." He says giving me a big smile.

"Well don't get used to it." I smirk.

"I know I'm only teasing." He laughs.

"Who did you come with?" He asks.

"Ruth. What about you." I ask.

We still hadn't talked since that last of school.

"Kyra." He says.

I bite my tongue but it's not long before he says her boyfriends name as well.

"Yeah I kinda tagged along with them." He says.

I wanted to yell 'I told you so' and boast about how he should have listened, but I didn't want to start anything here. Or ever again to be honest.

A photographer came and took our photo and Kyle went back to the bitch and her boyfriend. Dinner was being served and we needed to take our seats.

As I make my way back to my seat with the drinks I am stopped by another familiar face.

"Hey! You look great!" Ashton shouts from behind me.

I turn to meet her and she is wearing a black and silver gown. She looked gorgeous too. Doug and Ashton had a small romance that lasted last year, sadly they had broken up. She seemed to be handling it well.

"Hey! so do you. Catch up with you later?" I ask.

"You better." She laughs and I finally reach my table. She always threatens me, but is harmless. All in good fun.

Dinner came out and honestly we were not impressed. The tickets for prom were $60 a head and that paid for the venue and your dinner. For dinner we were served spaghetti and chicken alfredo, green beans, mashed potatoes and corn. For dessert we got a small cup of ice cream. The ice cream was the best part. I figured we would just order pizza later since I am having a after prom bonfire later.

They announced that the dancefloor was open and we all went our separate ways. Tisha and Ruth spent the night dancing while Kyle and I spent the night catching up. This prom was not worth the 60 dollars. They played all the hits of the year and all the hits of our youth. When LMFAO came on the hottest guys in school walked out onto the dancefloor with their sleeveless vests. God I wished I would have gotten lucky that night.

Ashton showed up out of nowhere and I invited them to the bonfire at my house. They both said yes and would meet me at my house after prom.


Thank God that is over. I don't understand why it was such a big deal for me to go. The food and music sucked and I wasn't even allowed to smoke despite me being of age and out of school. Ruth was driving so she wanted to stop at her place and get a change of clothes. It was Ruth, Tisha, Taylor and me in the car. When we got to Ruth's she took her keys out of the ignition, but her ignition switch was broken so it kept the truck running. When she came back with normal clothes on Tisha wanted to stop at home since she lives down the street. So when we pulled up at Tisha's house Ruth turned the car off somehow. When Tisha came back in comfy clothes Ruth couldn't find her keys to start the truck again.

"Shit I probably left them at my house. Tisha can your mom give me a ride back?"

"Yeah hold on." Tisha ran back in and the 3 of them took off.

It felt they were gone for hours but in reality it was only a half hour. When they returned Ruth held up her keys showing us she found them. She gets in and starts the truck. Soon we arrive at my place.

The bonfire went smoothly but since we had to take Ashton home we only all hung out for a hour. Ruth, Tisha and Taylor left and it was Kyle, Ashton, Savannah and I in his car taking her home. We were all tired. A long day and it was already 3 in the morning. Our night turned worse when we saw blue and white flashing lights in all the mirrors. Kyle ended up getting a ticket for rolling through a stop sign which he didn't do but we didn't feel like arguing with the asshole cop. Mainly because all of us in the car except for Kyle was drinking. That kind of ruined his night because when we came back to my house Kyle just went to bed without a word.

Savannah and I stayed up and had a few smokes and beers by the fire.

"How are things going with him?" She asked.

Savannah was a bigger girl with thick black glasses, Her blue hair radiated in the fire light along with her double zero black gauges. 

"Better...I think. I don't really know. We haven't talked about it." I said taking a swig from my beer.

"Don't you think you guys should? I saw him show up to prom with Kyra and her boo." She said lighting another cigarette.

"I want to but I don't know how to bring it up, Last time we talked was that day in the hallway on the last day."

"I don't know man, I hope you guys work it out. Just let me know if I need to gut him like a fish." She smiled.

She was kind of a hard person to get close to, an attitude worse than mine and a mouth almost as bad as mine. But deep down, she was sweet. Just no filter on her mouth.

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