Chapter X.

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.Age 15. Part. 1

The rest of my last middle school year went by fairly quickly. After my 11th surgery my feet seem to be doing better, thank God because it was getting painful to walk. Now I have one day until my first day of high school. I am a little nervous but so is Haven, Kyle and Morgan. We all talked about what we want to do after high school but no one is certain yet. I keep bouncing back and forth between a Vet or a Teacher. Both require a lot of schooling. I am all ready to go. I got new shoes and a couple new shirts. The only downfall of going to high school is is that I have to take a bus. My morning routine will be enough to wake me up. When I am at my Dads he takes me to my Moms in the morning and from there I walk to the corner and get on a bus that takes me to the High School. Not to bad but definitely more than just walking to school. I am ready. I am so ready to be done and out of school. I hate school. Like Math for example. We started learning pre algebra in middle school. Why do we need to know how to do that. When the fuck are we gonna use that shit in the real world.

My first day of high school is today. I am at my Moms today so all I have to do is wake up and get on the bus. Only thing. I don't know what time the bus comes. We are gonna wing it I guess. I got up and made my long scraggly hair straight again, brushed my teeth and got dressed. My Mom was still asleep, she wanted me to practice waking up early by myself. I had to go to the bathroom and then after that I was going to walk to my bust stop. When I walked out into the living room I saw the large yellow bus fly passed my house.

"Shit." I whispered.

Great. Just fucking great.

I knew my Mom would be pissed but I had to go wake her up and tell her I missed the school bus.

After a ten minute car ride of my Mom telling that this can't and won't be an everyday thing we finally pulled up to the high school. Immediately I saw my friend Artie walking in. He was taller than me with thick glasses, much larger than me in size but then again everyone is. I ran out of my Moms car and caught up to him.

"You ready for hell?" He asked his deep voice reverberating in my ears.

"I guess." I said pushing the glass double doors open.

This school was much larger than my middle school, it had two gyms and a pool, along with a full upstairs. At the middle school the upstairs was just one single hallway, nothing else. Here it looks like I will for sure get lost very fast. As far as I know my schedule is just a guess as to what my classes will be. I have to go to my homeroom to get my set schedule. When I walked into the lobby the ceiling was so high, Lights dangled down to us and a full glass wall covered majority of the lobby. There was a receptionist desk in the middle of the lobby and to my right seemed to be the school store. The lobby was as big as half of my old school.

Immediately I saw a crowd of Freshman kids just like me. I looked through the crowd trying to find Kyle but no such luck.

"Oh my God hi!" A young girl hugged and approached me.

"Ummm." I said awkwardly hugging her back.

"It's me, Carlee." She says smiling.

Oh my God does she look different. She looks amazing. Her short blonde hair that I remember her having is now just past her shoulders and now is brown. Her glasses are new as well. They suit her very well.

"Oh my God hi!" I hug her again.

"I almost didn't recognize you. You've changed." She says looking at me.

I look over at Artie and he just looked confused and uncomfortable.

"In a good way I hope." I smile at her.

"Of course." She smiles.

"Do we have the same homeroom?" I ask.

"Well duh. Oh! We can see if we have any classes together after we get our schedules." She smiles.

"Fuck yeah." I say.

She stares blankly at me like I just threatened murder upon her.

"Fuck yeah!" She repeats.

This is so unreal, She recognized me right away and I honestly wouldn't have known it was her unless she said something. She really has changed. I felt bad though. If she spotted me right away, I must have not changed at all like she said. Three years does a lot to a person, I've been going through hell and back but that doesn't seem to have had a effect on me like I thought. I thought that the longer hair and matured face would have made it harder for my old classmates to recognize me, but apparently not. Then it hit me. I had gone back in time in a way, Sure I am older and stronger since the last time I saw these people. But now I am back in the same spot I was three years ago. I am still me, The people that bullied me are now back and something tells me that my longer hair is gonna make me a target ...again. Something tells me they haven't changed, they are probably the same assholes they were back then.

I was just so happy to see a familiar face. I saw Carlee, every other face I saw reminded me of the torture they put me through in elementary school. Already I saw five bullies, Hanging out with the same dick licks they hung out with in elementary school. That isn't good. I honestly just want these four years to go by nice and smooth, I will remain quiet if I have to. I don't want any bullying or drama. But something tells me that was just a nice fantasy.

Sorry this chapter was so short but there will start being age parts. Example: .age 15. Pt.1 and age 15. Pt.2. Having some financial issues right now so I apologize for the light update. Love you all.

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