Chapter VII.

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.Age 12.

           The strange girl walked away with a huff and a puff. I ignored her and walked into my first class of middle school. Math. I walked in and saw all of my classmates talking amongst themselves, obviously they all knew one another. In the middle of the room I saw her again. The girl from the hallway. She was sitting there with her pencil in a notebook, the seat next to her was empty so I claimed it as my own. I went to sneak a peek as to what she was doing, she was drawing a dragon, it was very good, way better than anything I have ever drawn. I wanted to tell her that what she was working on was absolutely amazing but I was afraid she would bite me, literally bite me, with teeth.  After math class I moved on to my social studies class to basically just read a class syllabus. The rest of the day was followed by my 3rd hour class of gym, Which Haven had with me as well. Then came lunch and my 4th hour of science, 5th hour art and my final hour of the day Tech ed. I walked into my final class of the day and noticed Haven, the girl from earlier, She sat in one of the spinning chairs next to a computer screen, Those were our desks. I walked up to her to say something, I have seen her three times today and haven't said a word to her. 

"Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for bumping into you this mourning." I said getting nervous.

"Oh hey! no big deal should have watched where you were going tho." She smiled at me.

"Sit down" she gestured toward the empty seat next to her. 

I took a seat and spent the whole class period getting to know her. So far I have learned she has 3 cats and 2 Dogs. And a little sister named Jeanie. Her Moms name is Athena and her stepdads name is Moose. Her real father Rion abandoned her when she was 5. Finally someone with a backstory like me. I tried to return the favor but I didn't want to over share, I just told her my parents were divorced, and that I too had a sister named Alex and just had Blackie.

"So wait you have two houses?" She asked.

"Yeah I guess so." I said.

"Thats kind of cool." She gave me a smile, and we went about our day.

    The first day of sixth grade ended and I couldn't wait to go home. I didn't necessarily have a bad day, I just wanna go home. I took the five minute walk to my Moms and sent my Dad a text telling him I was here. I am staying at his house this week so he has to pick Alex and I up from here and take us back to his house. I call my Mom and tell her about my day and the rude girl I met in the hallway. Before I knew it My sister was home too and Dad had pulled his green ford focus he borrows from my Grandma in the driveway. I told my Mom I love her and get in Dads car.

When we got to Grandmas I immediately went into my bedroom to power on my Playstation 2 and turned on Final Fantasy X. I have a Final Fantasy addiction I swear, No matter what is going on in my life I always have this to keep me calm. The turn based style of  the game takes my anxiety about life away just for a little bit. They story lets me feel emotions for the characters instead of myself for once. Best game if you ask me.

I was kind of excited for this school year, I mean I think I already made a friend without even trying...I hope I did. She seems cool.

3 weeks later.....

In gym class we have to partner up to play badminton. So naturally Haven and I got in a group followed by two boys. The gym was large and two sets of folded up bleachers stretched across the north wall, there was also a large curtain that could divide the gym in half if need be.
The one boy was a bit in the heavier side. His cheeks were full and bright red, almost as if he was constantly blushing. From what I know his name is Stephen. The other one was very tall. Short black hair and a fuller face. Green emerald eyes that I have never seen on anyone before. It looks like this guy already hit puberty. His name is Kyle.

"Ready?!" Kyle shouted.

Haven and I were a but thrown off by how deep his voice is for being only 11 or 12.

"Yeah!" I shouted back and served the birdie.

During our game I noticed something about Haven I haven't seen before...Her thumbs. They were different than mine. Her thumbs were small, short and stumpy. They were cute, She tells me that her family calls her 'Thumbs' because of it.


The next couple of months went by fairly fast. Kyle, Stephen, Haven and I became pretty good friends. Stephen and Haven got dropped off early every morning and I walked to school so I am always here early.

We spent a lot of time having meaningless conversations in the lobby waiting for the school door to open. Even during the winter.

When winter came we had become fairly close. Haven and I even got each other Christmas gifts. I was really into Lady Gaga so Haven got me the latest CD and I got her a Christmas ornament. Not much but I am poor so that's really all I could afford. Not much was going on. But when spring came around I thought it would be fun to throw a little pool party.

The bullying however did not stop. I got worse. This guy names Ken, who ended up being related to Kyle, started a rumor that I was born a girl and had a surgery to become a guy. Kyle believed it for a split second. One day after class I saw Kyle in the hall and began to walk up to him. He stared blankly at me and told me to get away from him. After texting abou it he realized it wasn't true. But still. I was hurt he would even believe that.


    As spring rolled around and the end of the school year came. Haven made a announcement. She handed us cards the read 'good-by' I giggled at the incorrect use of bye. But I was curious as to what the card meant. When I read it, it explained that she would be moving schools next year and she won't be coming back to MSS. I was very sad but made it very clear to her that just because she is moving that doesn't mean that we would stop being friends. Stephen kind of fell out of our group but Kyle was still there. Before school let out Haven't invited me over to hang out at her place and to go see the new house, Naturally I said yes and went. She lived in East Detroit so I was a bit nervous going there but honestly it wasn't that bad. After we spent the afternoon drawing random things we got in her Moms gold van, A.K.A death trap,  to go take a look at her new house. Her new house is in Sterling heights so she lived closer to my Dad at her new place. When we walked into the tri level house we went downstairs to reveal the living room and the kitchen, a halfway wall dividing the two. While her parents and Jeanie explored the rest of the house Haven and I thought it would be fun to wrestle around, We got carried away and she showed me how strong she was by flipping me over the half wall. We laughed about that for hours, It didn't hurt, Just my ego was bruised.

.....The small party I had turned out to be a lot of fun. Haven, Kyle and a few friends from elementary school came. We walked up to the bowling alley and went bowling, they also had a event going on and we all got our faces painted. The party was at my Dad and Grandmas house and my Grandma was so excited that I had people over. After bowling we decided to explore the neighborhood and found a small wooded area, We walked in and found that it was actually a nice getaway place. Trees covered all of the entrance but the inside was fairly open. This is it, our hide away. The Woods.

We came back to the house and went swimming in my neighbor's heated pool which took our face makeup off.

After swimming three of my friends left so it was just Kyle, Haven and I were left. Haven brought over a movie called Easy A. The movie was hilarious and great but halfway through I started feeling upset like I wanted to cry. The feeling came out of nowhere. One minute I am having a great time and the next I was crying. I grabbed my phone and ran out into the backyard to call my Mom.

"Hello." She answered.

"Hi." I sobbed.

I couldn't help the tears flowing down my face. I had no idea why I was crying. I had a great day! A really fun day! Why am I so upset for no reason.

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