Chapter XXIII

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.Age 18. Part 4.

    Kyle and I are no longer friends. Kyra put a stop to that. Well technically I did. I had shared something on Facebook that he thought was about him and he apparently had enough. I was on the phone with my Grandpa talking to him, which rarely happens. His brother had just died and I was giving my condolences.

"If you have something to say to me, say It to my face instead of bullying someone on social media grow up." Kyle sends me.

     "What are you talking know, what never mind on the phone with Grandpa his brother just died. And I haven't bullied anyone maybe you should check yourself and how you have been acting and then tell me who the bully is." I reply.

"Whatever but I am not a damn bully."

I ignore his message and finish my phone conversation. I had been telling Cat everything that has been going on between Kyle and myself. She even knows about my infatuation with him.

She had been there through everything, including the Dan situation. We had a small falling out but we bounced back really fast.

"Oh, on snapchat too. Real mature." He sends.

"What are you talking about now?" I ask.

"Your post on snapchat."

"You mean the one that was meant for my Grandma not you." I reply.

I had posted on snapchat venting about my Grandma she said something that I can't remember that really pissed me off. She was acting like a child so I put on my snapchat story 'stop acting like a 5 year old'.

"Don't lie. I know it was about me I don't know what happened to you." He sends me.

Is he fucking serious? The only friend he has been hanging around was Kyra I talked to his friends mainly because ours are mutual and they said that he hasn't really talked or hung out with them lately.

"Me? What about you? You are the one that has been distant from everyone because that Cunt has you pussy whipped." I send.

"I have not been distant from everyone, you're over exaggerating and nothing is going on between Kyra and me not that it's any of your business." He sends.

"Oh no because I talked to OUR friends and they said that you haven't really talked to them and you have been hanging out with Kyra." I send.

"Oh my God I get it now." He sends.

"Get what? Humor me."

I am done at this point any love I had for him had vanished and I didn't want it to come back. This was him. The real him.

"You brainwashed people to hate her and now you are brainwashing people to hate me too. It all makes sense now."


"Are you....are you fucking kidding me. I didn't brainwash anyone you twat. I am not that good, if I was that good I would have brainwashed you into loving me but since that didn't happen shows how powerful I am at mind control you dumb ass."

Did he seriously just accuse me of brainwashing people to hate him. I don't need to. Spend time with him right now and people will come to that conclusion on their own.

"See this is why I can't wait to go to college. You're full of drama." He sends.

"And you think college is the place to get away from that?" I send.

"No but I know there will be less in my life....

Because you won't be there." He sends and any emotion I had. Any anger just dissipated into vapor and leaked through my pores.

I'm done.

"This isn't working." I send.

"What isn't?" He responds.

"Kyle, thank you for the 8 years of friendship but it's not a friendship anymore I feel like I am the only one trying here and we're always fighting, maybe in time we can go back to being friends but not right now." I send.

I did it.
I cut the cord that was weighing my heart down for the past year. I should feel something. Anything. But nothing.

"Glad to know I'm disposable." He sends.

"Now you know how I have felt for the last year." I reply.

He says nothing. Types nothing.

He just blocks me and I guess that was the end of the friendship.

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