Chapter XXXV

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.Age 19. Part 8.

I had felt horrible for how last night went. When he asked me to marry him I, without emotion, said 'No'. I don't want to get married yet. We haven't even been together a year! Hell, we haven't even been together six months yet. While we were both at work I decided to text him. We needed to talk about it. I didn't want him to think I was mad at him or freaked out in any way.

"I'm sorry about the way I responded last night." I said.

                                                  "Huh? To what honey?"

"When you said 'marry me' I just said no. Flat no lol."

                                                  "Oh baby no!  lol I am happy you woke me up so to speak lol. I wanna do that right. Not after a blowjob lmao. I want you to be proud to tell a super cute story to all your friends and family. I am sorry I put you in that position I am just madly in love with you and wasn't thinking."  He sent me.

I am so lucky to have this man in my life.


This was the best and worst month I could ever have. Went from really exciting news to I wanna destroy everything. 

Sawyer had gotten me a promise ring a few weeks ago and it had broke. So he and I went to walmart to get another one. While there he told me to pick out a ring. I found this gorgeous ring. Fake diamonds of course, I'm not expensive. He bought it for me and when we got into the car I told him.

"Maybe we should fuck with Hannah. Say we got engaged." 

He laughed. "Yes do that."

I took a picture of my ring and sent it to Hannah.

Within seconds she called me.

"Are you guys engaged?!" she asked me. 

I laughed.

"Boy don't play with me right now, I'm on my period and can't handle it."

I laughed even harder and so did Sawyer. He could hear everything she was saying.

I wanted Sawyer to tell her it was a joke because she's known me a long time, She's allowed to kill me, Sawyer not so much.

"I'm going to ask you one last time."

I quickly put her on speaker so Sawyer could tell her it was a joke.

"Are you guys engaged?"

There was a long pause before Sawyer answered her question.


Hannah was screaming and freaking out and I began crying.

"Will you marry me?" He whispered.

I nodded my head yes and hung up with Hannah and sent Haven a picture of the ring .

I was so happy. So in love with this man, and now I'm getting married.

The ride home was short and when we got there Haven was waiting and immediately hugged us both.

"You have to call Mom." She said.

I called her Mom and told her and the rest of her house. They seemed so happy for us. Fuck! I have to call my Mom.

I hung up with her and called mine directly after.

She told me that we all need to come over right away. 

We all packed into Sawyer Jeep and headed over. When we arrived we were greeted in smiles and hugs. My Mom kept taking the ring off my finger and putting it on hers. She said she liked mine better. Alex, I think was the most excited out of all of us. She loves Sawyer and is so happy that I am with him, so when I told her we were getting married she basically stated crying.  We took a few pictures and went home to share the news with the others.

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