Chapter XI.

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.Age 15. Part 2.

             Semester one is over. A little bit of things happened within that semester. Sadly I failed my first course of Algebra one. My Mom and Dad were so disappointed but I tried the best I could. I just don't understand it and it is frustrating. The not understanding it is frustrating enough but what really irritates me is that I know that I don't really need to know this to live life. All of my family made me feel like I was the stupidest person for failing one class. I get it. An F in a class really isn't good, especially since records of that will forever be on my transcript. My Mom had me retake it during the summer but before that my Uncle Ron made me feel the worst. We had him over at my Mom's and my sister had just gotten a perfect mark in her class. We were sitting in the kitchen and he was going off on me for not passing.

"Math is not fucking hard, are you retarded?" He yells.

I could tell he was mad because when he gets like he was, drinking of course, his buzzed head shows every vein in his head. His goatee was scraggly and unkept as well. 

I have never done anything to him but he has hated me my entire life. Always treated me like a piece of shit. All because he thinks I am gay. No one has said that but that is my guess. Just as well, he's a drunk fuck who only cares about himself. I remember at a time when I was younger I just wanted to be closer to him, I asked my Mom if she could ask him if i could get a hug from him. He gave me one but it was sad that he never did willingly I think I was around four or five when I asked.

"No it's just really hard." I start to tear up. His words hurt whether or not he believes it.

"Your sister has perfect marks why can't you get that, is the 9 year old smarter than you?"

"She is 9 first of all, she is not even learning what I am learning." I said getting angry.

"You'll never amount to anything. Useless." He says shaking his head and walking toward my sister sitting in the living room.

"Let's go talk to someone that has more intelligence." He yells obviously wanting me to hear.

I was left all alone in the kitchen with the weight of what he called me hanging over my head. Useless. Was I really useless? The more I thought about it the more I realized I can't really do anything correctly. I couldn't keep my family together; I can't draw although my family tells me I can. I can't do algebra, I have a hard time understanding or paying attention in school, I have always had a hard time making friends. Maybe I am useless.

Later on I heard Uncle Ron give Alex $20 just because she was smarter than me. I hate him. I have never hated anyone so much in my life. And why shouldn't I hate him? All he does is treat me like shit and make me believe I am shit.

For the second semester my Grandma had gotten me a tutor that worked at the college my Grandma worked at. I claimed that it wouldn't work and guess what....I was right. She tried explaining everything to me that I was learning in school but what no one seems to understand is that I have to do the problems like they show us or I get marked down. Regardless if it's the right answer. The tutor gave me 50 problems to do for 'homework'. These were not small problems and I do not have the time to do that considering I have homework in every class and I am going to do the homework that actually matters.

My freshman year is when I met my friend Brea. She had a biology class with me, we would always laugh and joke around during our free time. She had short brown curly hair and glasses. Very pretty girl. She is a year older than me but had to take biology again. Thank God I am not the only person that had to retake a class. Her and I became close as the time passed. Making jokes to kill class time. She then told me that she had a small thing for me. We both looked at each other and decided we were better off as friends anyway. Besides, I was with Haven.

I also met Hannah. She to this day claims I was stalking her but honestly I probably did. She was on the same bus as me and would always be reading on Wattpad. I thought Haven and I were the only ones that  used it.  Apparently not.  After a couple of days I sat next to her again. Without realizing it I had sat next to her everyday of the week. On Friday I finally got the courage to talk to her.

"Wattpad huh?"I asked.

"Yep." She says not even looking at me.

I get how weird it must be for a stranger to be looking over your shoulder, but honestly I could tell we would be great friends. After a couple more weeks we began talking and laughing and soon it was just a daily routine. She had long blonde wavy hair that reached her ass. And another girl with glasses.

              The rest of the year finished up pretty quick and within the last semester I made some new friends. Tisha, who was a very thin black girl with thick glasses. She always was there to make me laugh and keep the rest of us from breaking down about final exam stress. Alexus, who was my locker neighbor I said hi to her here and there to be nice and after a while we started talking and became friends. She is a black girl as well but thicker than Tisha. Lexi always made me laugh, just her facial expressions alone could make anyone lose their shit. And then Ruth.  Ruth was friends with Lexi and Tisha, they introduced me to her. She is a very gorgeous girl with bright red hair. Dyed of course but I am not gonna lie and tell you I didn't like her a little. Ashton, Ashton is a tall slender mixed girl who had the coolest hair I've seen, her hair stuck up like a afro but when she straightened it it laid flat and shined in any light. She is a feisty one. Then there was Doug. Doug I had known from middle school and every time I was around him I would laugh uncontrollably. He said the most random of things but they were funny as hell. He had long shoulder length dark brown hair that curled at the end and a line of freckles that ran across his nose. Everyone had glasses except for him. Including me, I had to get glasses in fourth grade because I can't see far away.  I made great friends and still had good ones from middle school even of they weren't here with me. Things were starting to look up, finally.

At my high school you had to complete  forty hours of community service acts in order to graduate. I couldn't think of anything and didn't have a ride to the premade functions. So I decided I would grow my hair out and donate it. My hair was short In freshman year. Only went to the middle of my forehead and that was all. But regardless my  parents were not to happy with the idea.

Summer was here and that meant my first year or high school was done. Time for swimming, bon fries, fireworks and of course summer school; which I passed by the way. It was finally time to enjoy the summer with my friends but that didn't mean challenges were not coming my way.

Oh my God. 'Lightning is number 2 in my life in a nutshell. Thank you everyone who read and voted. The number one book has a couple thousand reads to let's aim for that shall we ;)


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