Chapter XXIX

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Age 19. Part 2.

    Thank you. Thank you for making me believe in love again. In my darkest time you showed me the light. You showed me that loving after loss is possible. I will always love you. In many ways you are my first true love. Thank you. For loving me when I couldn't love myself.


Welp Haven and I got approved for an apartment. Peachtree is the name. It's a little expensive but all we are paying is rent and electric, they cover everything else. I am so excited but at the same time very nervous to be out on my own. Haven and I are moving in next week, but today we have a good ass day planned. We have a concert. Panic at the Disco. It was my Christmas present from Haven and her family. The little sheet of paper that was my ticket was wrapped in like 7 boxes all inside of each other. Pain in the ass to open I'll tell you what. 

After we woke up that day. March 10, 2017. The ground was covered in melting snow. Winter had passed and spring was on its way. Honestly, good, this winter was horrible and I miss the sound of birds chirping during the summer. We got in my Blazer and drove to the salon. I got my hair dyed black and Haven got her hair dyed red. Next was we needed to get to her house and get ready for the concert.

When it came time to leave we loaded up in Havens step Dad Mooses car and were on our way.  The entire concert I was texting Sawyer. We had moved on from Grindr and onto actual texting. We gave each other our snapchats but we prefer to text instead. He was telling me that he had just quit his job because he hated it. Years of working as a cook in this bar and no gratitude from anyone. Shit. I would have left too. I told him I would message him after the concert and put my phone in my pocket to enjoy Brendon Urie's voice.

The concert was amazing and was over way to fast. While trying to get out of the crowded hall I spotted a familiar face. Alex. My sister was apparently there as well. I haven't really talked to her in a while but she has been spending a lot of time at my Mom's and I live at my Dads until next week.  When we all loaded back into the van I sent Sawyer a message. He responded fast and we kept the conversation going until I was about to pass out. He had asked me what I like to do for fun. I don't normally have time to just do random things that I find fun, but I have been getting into making my own music lately. I am not very good and the lyrics make no sense but Sawyer assured me that he liked it and even went as far as calling himself my number one fan. I knew he was just trying to be nice but I couldn't ignore the way his words made my heart flutter.

March 18, 2017.

Its move in day!

Haven and I grabbed the keys from peachtree yesterday and we have our unit number. The electric will be turned on at 8am and then we can start moving in. Morgan and her boyfriend Seen are helping me move my stuff while Havens parents are using a trailer To move her stuff. A new friend of ours Brenden is also helping. He and Haven dated for a while but sadly for them things did not work out. It was a busy day. Setting up the house and talking to Sawyer about the exciting event. He lives about a hour away so that's like the one downfall. I really hope I get to meet him one day.

As the sun went down we finished unloading the rest of our stuff. Morgan and Seen stayed the night along with Brenden.

When I woke up the next morning the first thing I did was feed Ninja. My turtle. Oh yes! I have a turtle. My Grandma wasn't to happy but at the same time I didn't care. As mean as it sounds, but most of you don't understand. It all started years ago with my dog Lue. When we moved she didn't want him so she sent him to a 'farm.' After that I was not allowed to have any animals. No matter what it was. I had hermit crabs for a little bit but that was because I watched them over the summer as a class pet. So when I brought Ninja home. She was a little pissed but at the same time I went almost 12 years living with her without an animal so I think having one for a month before I moved, It wasn't gonna kill her. She actually became very attached to him. She would take him out of his tank and hold him and play with him. He was a good boy.

After we all woke up I made coffee and breakfast for everyone. Around noon is when everyone left and Haven and I could enjoy our new home. The walls of the apartment were all white, but we had enough things to hang on the walls to make it less plain. The Living room was large and connected to a dining room. In the middle of the dinning room to the right was a small space that acted as our kitchen. The white counters matched everything else in the apartment. After moving all of my stuff into my new room I had realized just how little I really had.

Thank you guys for being patient with me I should have another chapter or 2 up today. Love you. Please vote and comment your favorite part so far


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