Happy's really useful

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3rd person's pov

Tony and Steve really loves their son, they really do, heck Tony even rented Disneyland for Peter's 6th birthday just for him and Steve even made Bucky go to places just to give Peter expensive gifts.

But this is isn't acceptable, they already accepted him being Spiderman, they even sometimes come with him in his patrol but this is already too much.

"Please daddy and popsy, I promise I'll take care of him" Peter beg, "remind me that you are 18 Peter" Steve said frustrated Tony just sighed sitting down in the couch with his hands cup to his cheeks while he look at his son.

Peter started crying, Steve and Tony sighed loudly, frustrated. "Peter, kid we just can't keep that" Tony said Peter was rambling on and on but they wouldn't budge.

"-b-but Pumpkin is really lonely out there what if he ge's hur- o-or--" and this made Tony and Steve become even more frustrated 'he already named the cat' they thought.

Happy was downstairs and getting really irritated hearing Peter cry, he went upstairs, "the cat will stay in Peter's room, if he doesn't take responsibility we will throw it to the animals shelter where it belongs" he said.

Tony and Steve looked at each other and at Happy then nods, Peter squealed "thank you thank you thank y-" "alright kid calm down" Tony said while Steve wipes Peter's face.

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