Baby 1

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"Now if anything as in anything ever happens don't hesitate to call us" Steve said and kiss Peter's forehead before pulling Tony.

"We can't leave him Steve" Tony said trying to reach for Peter. "Tony it will only be a week, MJ and Ned can handle it" Natasha said.

Steve and Tony glances at their 12 year old son one last time before going to the quinjet. MJ and Ned pats Peter's shoulder. Peter is 3 years younger than them and Peter's an accelerated student.

He was about to be accelerated for the eight time but he begged his parents not too since he met Ned and MJ. "So what are we going to do first?" Peter asks.

"Lets watch Star Wars!" Ned said and they nod running to the couch. "Losers, lets do something more fun" MJ said.

"Hmmm, lets bake!" Ned said Peter nods and they run to the kitchen. Peter opens the cabinets then saw one that has a passcode.

"Pops has a password for his baking stuff" Peter sighs. "Uhmmm, lets study?" Ned asks.

"NO!" Peter and MJ shouts. They sit on the floor gazing at the mirror. "What are we going to do?" MJ asks.

"I'll just go drink something" Peter said and stood up. He runs to the kitchen and grab a random bottle drinking then run back to his friends.

"We can drink some alcohol" Ned whispers. "We can't do that, Peter's here you idiot" MJ said.

"What?" Peter asks MJ and Ned shake their heads. "We can roam around, there's an open zoo by now" Ned said.

"FRIDAY is Peter allowed to leave?" MJ asks while Ned packs a small backpack for Peter.

"Yes Ms. Jones, please let me assist you and take you to your destinations for Peter's and your safety" FRIDAY said.

"Okay Peter, go where some socks and shoes" Ned said. Peter runs to his room and wears a Ironman socks then a plain white converse shoes.

They go to a less expensive car, Ned and MJ straps Peter in his booster and FRIDAY started driving.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" Peter asks while he plays with the T-Rex and rhinoceros figures in his hands with Ned.

"We can think about that tomorrow" MJ said.

"Mr. Rogers-Stark is calling" FRIDAY said. Peter presses the answer.

"Hi Peter!"

"Hi Pops! Where's dad?"

"Over here Peter"

"Where are you kids going?"

"To an open zoo Mr. Stark, don't worry we will keep Peter safe"

"Just make sure, and remember its almost time for lunch, eat something healthy"

"Yes sir"

"Peter hold MJ and Ned's hand okay? Don't run off"

"Yes Pops!"

"We have to go now, bye Peter we love you!"

"Love you Peter"

"Love you Dad and Pops! So much"

The call cuts off and they arrive in the zoo as well. MJ un straps Peter from his booster.

They paid for their tickets and went inside. Peter, Ned and MJ enjoyed the day and they even had the opportunity to feed dolphins and birds.

Right now they are seated inside the car and eating their food. "We should go to another zoo, FRIDAY can you drive us to another zoo?" Peter ask.

Ned wipes Peter's mouth and collects their trash and runs to the nearest trash can and went inside the car.

They arrive at another zoo and went to another zoo until Peter fell asleep.


Ned and MJ woke up to a high pitch screaming. MJ groans and Ned hits his head. Their still in the car and Ned looks at Peter's seat since it looked empty.

Then he saw a baby, "what the freak?! MJ! FRIDAY!" Ned exclaims. MJ looks up and gasps almost falling of her seat.

"FRIDAY what happened? Where's Peter?" MJ asks. "The baby is Peter, Ms. Jones, I think Peter accidentally drank Mr. Banner's experiment" FRIDAY said.

"Oh god, contact Mr. Stark or Dr. Banner" Ned said while he carries Peter.

"Its okay Peter, its okay don't cry, the T-Rex is gonna eat you!" Ned said and Peter's cries started getting louder.

MJ opens the windows while her ears rings. "Cannot be contacted, I recommend going back to the Tower" FRIDAY said.

"Wait! Lets buy baby's stuff" Ned said. "There is no need for that Mr. Leeds, Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers-Stark still has Peter's stuff when he was a baby" FRIDAY said.

"Okay thats good" MJ said. They drop off in a store to buy baby's food and diapers. People were staring at them and some scowled at them.

"Why are they scowling at us?" Ned asks. "Its because we look like young parents" MJ said. Ned blushes and just holds Peter tightly.


They went inside the car and MJ checks the plastic so she can put a diaper on Peter. Then she noticed Peter holding a bunny teddy bear.

"Ned did you buy Peter a bunny teddy bear?" MJ asks. "No and we didn't pack any teddy bear to Peter" Ned said.

Then their eyes widened in realization and they laugh. "You sly little thing" Ned said laughing.

"Lets go" MJ said, "wait aren't we going to put it back? That's stealing MJ" Ned said.

"Nah" MJ said and the car started moving back to the Tower.


"Mr. Stark I really need you to pick up your phone, Peter turned into a baby" MJ said and end the voice call.

She sighs and stares at Ned and Peter. "Ned can you contact your mom? We really need her" MJ said.

"My mom's out of town too MJ," Ned said. She nods and Peter giggles before throwing a toy at her.

"Oh your getting it" MJ said and runs to Peter to tickle him.

So I just watched Endgame last thursday and I really need comfort and therapy. I won't be making oneshots about it so there won't be spoilers and I just really can't accept what happened.

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