Tantrum Box

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3rd person's pov

It was no secret to the Avengers that Tony and Steve spoiled their child but even so there are discipline actions here and there if needed. Recently Peter's tantrums were getting worse and they think he got it from Hulk which Bruce apologizes a lot.

That's why with the help of Strange they were able to make a box sort of cage where Peter can tantrum without hurting anyone or anything.

It just so happens that the Decathlon team saw Peter being babied and place in the tantrum box.


Everyone looks around in awe at the 63rd floor of the Avenger's Tower. "Now in here we are only allowed to enter the canteen and guess what were going to eat lunch together with all of the Avenger's" Marsha the tour guide said.

All of the teens eyes light up like Christmas trees, Flash looks so excited like he owns the place and knows. They entered the canteen and saw the Black Widow and Hawkeye talking.

"MT? Hey everyone!" Clint greets. "Oh my gosh! Hawkeye and Black Widow" Ned exclaims. Natasha was about to speak when a ding was heard. All of the Avenger's started going inside of the canteen.

Loki and Bucky were arguing, Bruce was listening patiently to Thor who complains about how train passes were hard to use, Sam and Rhodey glaring at each other covered in glitters and tissue.

Even Mr. Harrington almost dies almost all of the Avenger's were there eating with them.

Strange and Steve arrived but then they notice Steve was carrying something— scratch that someone. "Peter wake up" Steve gently said.

Tony then comes in almost all of the students passed out, "hey everyone my name is Tony Stark which you probably already know" he said and rush to Steve.

"Bud come on wake up now" he said the person in his arms eyes opened and  large set of doe eyes looks at Tony before whining and snuggling closer to his pops.

Clint place the high chair beside a corner where Steve sat. "Peter wake up now sweetie its lunch time we have ice cream fo desert" Steve bribes.

Peter's head shot up and look at Steve before making grabby hands at Tony. Tony takes him and pats his back before placing him in the high chair.

Now all of the students saw the person, "Peter?" Ned asks confuse. A lot of whispers and mumbles can be heard before Mr. Harrington silences them.

"Students please greet the Avengers" he said, they all greet and they smile bowing then a whole set of people carrying trays arrived.

Each of them were given plates and drinks. Flash who was near the table looks at Peter, "oh Mr. Harrington! Penis Parker's over here didn't you say he's not allowed to come to the field trip" he mocks Peter looks at him bewildered.

Mr. Harrington stands "actually that's true, Mr. Parker what are you doing there? Enough with your lies and have shame to the Avengers" he scolds.

"Excuse me?" Tony growls, the teacher looks at the billionare in fear "sir t-that is my student Mr. P-Parker he shouldn't be here" he said.

"And you what did you just call my son?" Steve said and Flash saw all of the Avenger's giving him deathly stares.

Peter just watched them fight but then he was getting hungry, he was trying to reach the spoon that Steve was holding but his hands couldn't reach.

One thing that the Avenger's know.... a hungry Peter is a scary Peter.

A small sniff shut all of the Avengers and their eyes widened. "Loki get the tantrum box" Tony whispers warily. Loki nods and carefully moves.

Peter's eyes started getting watery then all of the Avengers tried everything to bribe the child.

Tony and Steve took out some of Peter's toys, Pietro and Wanda were making silly faces, Strane was doing silly magics, Clint was making nonsense jokes, Natasha was showing food, Thor was trying to give the Mjölnir to Peter, Vision and Bruce were making silly things while Loki and Bucky were practically running for the Tantrum box.

All of the students were watching the Avengers bribe Peter. But then Peter was red, heaving and looking like an angry puppy then started screaming.

He throwed the toys and push himself out of the high chair and started the tantrum.

"OVER HERE!!" Bucky and Loki shouts. Pietro grabs Peter and place him in the tantrum box.

"Um Mr. Stark? Why did you put Peter in the box?" a curious student ask, Tony wipes his sweat then stands properly in his usual look.

"Alright kids these is what we call the tantrum box, Peter Rogers-Stark's tantrum box, me, Dr. Strange, Bruce and my husband Steve made this for our son, Bruce will explain how it works" Tony said.

Bruce points at himself confuse and had a 'what? Me?' face. Tony glared and Bruce fixes his eyeglasses.

"The tantrum box is going to keep Peter from getting anything or anyone hurt. This box has the features of Hulk's room but much more advance with the help of Dr. Strange, he will explain" Bruce said.

Strange was startled hearing his name "what? Me?" he asks Natasha smacks his head. Strange coughs and place a hand on the box the explains.

Steve came near and open, "are you done sweetie? Your food is ready" Steve asks Peter sniffs and nods he made grabby hands.

He eats a banana and stares at his team mates. Tony ruffles Peter's hair and stares at Mr. Harrington and glares at Flash, "I love going to parties y'know lets have one tomorrow with my lawyers bring your parents Thompson they'll 'love' it" he sarcastically.

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