He's my son

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"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I snap at the woman while a teen hides behind her anxious. "No Mr. Stark this is Peter your son" she answered.

I stare at the thin stick to the bones kid, "I don't have any son" I said and slam the door. I heard a sigh, "I'm sorry Peter". The two left the building.

I roll my eyes then went back just to stare at New York then I saw them again. The woman who introduced herself as May Parker holds onto Peter the kid while they cross the street.

"Dad!" I heard I look behind and smile "Pietro, Wanda how was school kiddos"


Two weeks later

I went to the grave to visit a friend's grave. Then I saw the boy looking at a grave. The boy two weeks ago.

His aunt was nowhere to be seen and I watch him then a car came, Osborn and his son "Peter come on" the boy said.

The boy shook his head then cries. Osborn pats his back then they left.

I watch the car leave before going to the grave.

May Parker

Born May 25,1973

Died of Cancer

Will be missed by her nephew Peter Parker

Then a picture of May was there. I rush back to the Stark's Industries...

Wait.... Why am I heading back now? Why so fast? "FRIDAY tell me informations about Peter Parker" I said.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, parents are Mary Parker and Anthony Stark, blood type AB, birthday July 4, 2006, age 12, mother died of plane crash with James Parker, uncle and aunt died, last living relative is Anthony Stark, he has a GPA of 7.8 IQ 275 and studies at Midtwon High" FRI said.

"GPA OF 7.8?! HE'S ALMOST ABOVE ME AND BRUCE" I exclaim. Then I stop when I realize me and Peter have the same blood type.

I went back home and think.


Bruce came in my lab, "what do you need?" I ask "I discovered something you might want to know" he said then gave me two pieces of paper.

Pietro Stark and Anthony Stark 


Wanda Stark and Anthony Stark


Twins are not bioligical children of Anthony Stark

I almost ripped the paper in half, "Pepper left the kids here, she said sorry and that she will not get the twins anymore" he continued.

"Bruce.... I have a kid" I said "what? No they are not your children- wait a kid?" he asks. I showed him Peter, his eyes widen.

"The kid has a GPA of 7.8?! Man this is your son" he said I nod and rub my eyes. "FRI where does he currently live?" I ask "he lives at an apartment a few blocks away from here" she said.


I knock in front of the door, "for a moment" I heard the door opens and he frowns "Mr. Parker can I come in?" I asks he nods and I went in.

"I'm sorry" I said, "for not believing us? Nah its okay man anyways is that it?" he asks "I want you to stay with me in the tower" I said. "You sure? I mean I'm fine here I have a part time job in Mr. Delmar's shop I'll only bother you" he said.

"Peter your only 12, I will take care of you" I said.


"Um okay" I said he nods, "tomorrow I'll pick you up pack your things" he said. I nod and guide him out the door. I went to my room then I heard a knock, "sorry I can't risk leaving you here" he said.

"Uh okay" I said and went to my room, he appeared "so uh I heard your GPA is 7.8 that's cool kid" he said I nod and place my last items "I'm just gonna go pack Aunt May's things I'll donate it somewhere" I said.

Then he appeared again, "so uh you almost done?" he asks I nod and look around the place one last time before we finally leave.

Not forgetting to sell the place first of course. We arrive at his garage that has luxurious cars. "This is the garage and this elevator takes us at the 56th floor don't forget this floor kid" he said I nod.

"FRIDAY voice recognation" he said "hello Peter, I am FRIDAY your father's artificial intelligence can you say hi" a voice said "hi" I said "hello" "hello" "thank you Peter".

We arrive and when it opened a lot people were there. A man came in front of me then I squealed. "Your dad's son?" he asks I nod then he disappeared then I saw her whispering to a girl she smiles and I saw them smile at me.

"Who is he?" I squealed for the second time and hit the man's chest I look up and blush my crush?!

"Steve this is Peter, he's my son, biological son" Dad said. I blush even more when he looks at me "I like you" he whispers then smirks before leaving.

All of the Avengers compile at me and talk to me.


6 years later

Dad pats my back, "night kiddo love you" he said "love you too dad" I said and watch him leave.

Steve opens the bathroom door and smirks at me I smile "take off your clothes and kneel down"

"Yes daddy"

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