Genius Parents

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Of course I'm a genius, everyone knows that. Its just that Steve and I are even more genius together as parents.

Let me tell you why...

"Tony, I'm so tired" Steve said while I massage his back, "I know babe, but the baby cries every single seco-" then our son started crying again.

I sighed and went to Peter's room, "hey kiddo, what's wrong this time huh? Hungry? Soiled diapers?" I ask as I place him on my shoulder.

I went out of the room and Steve sighs, "he's hungry" I said and went to the kitchen to get another bottle.

I made a robot that can automatically make the milk and put it in a bottle and close so that everything is easier. I grab one and place the tip in Peter's mouth.

He silences after that and I lay him on the couch. "We have 2 minutes before he finishes the bottle" Steve said.

I went through my phone, "Steve, lets record our voices for tonight I found a technique" I said.

He reads the technique and smiles, "I'm good at painting eyes" he said. "Great! Now we can sleep for 6 hours!" I said and we took out our phones and started recording our voices anything that calms Peter down.

"Happy I need you to buy a swing, like where babies can nap on" I said while Steve calms a crying Peter.

"A what? I can't hear you" Happy said.

"A SWING!" Steve and I both shout.

"Okay" he said and hung up.

"Are you even drawing the eyes carefully? It needs to be as realistic as possible" I said still having my eyes closed.

"Shut it I'm concentrating" he said and continued drawing.

"Done" he said I open my eyes and look through the mirror, "perfecto my husband" I said laughing.

He smiled sneakily, "sure hope this works" he said.

I woke up and saw Peter still sleeping and we can hear our recordings. I smile and look at the time, "we are so smart" Steve said waking up as well.

Authors note:
So I know some will be kinda confuse so...

Brief Explanation:

Steve and Tony hasn't been able to sleep properly since Peter always cries.

They decided to draw fake eyes beneath their eyelid and recorded their voices so when Peter wakes up and wanting to be cuddled. Even if their eyes are actually close baby Peter will think their awake and talking to him.

They recorded voices of comfort so they will be able to sleep without Peter crying at night time.

😊😌 My parents actually admitted doing that, especially my dad

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