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"Why can't I join the field trip?" I ask, "I have had enough of your stupid internship lies and you can't join the field trip to Stark's Industries you've brought enough shame" said Mr. Harrington then shoves my permit slip and walk away.

"Wasn't my fault Pepper was asleep, whatever" I whine. I left the school and went home.

"Wade, Bucky, I'm here" I call, "baby boy!" he exclaims excitedly I squeal when he carried me and we kissed.

"Where's pops and dad?" I ask while we make out, "your lips taste so good— upstairs" he said. I moan when he spanked me still in his hips.

We heard a cough, "your not his only boyfriend Wade" Bucky said I giggle and kiss Bucky.

Bucky, me and Wade are in a relationship, at first Bucky and Wade wanted me to choose but they learned to share and love each other too.

Their hands roam around me and I moan feeling pleasure.

"Hey! Hey! Stop touching my son!" Dad exclaims Bucky and Wade groaned when Pops carried me away glaring at the two.

I whine in Pops shoulder but he shushes me.


I woke up and look at Wade and Bucky,they were naked just as me but I was covered with hickeys and bites.

So I wasn't exactly naked...

I went out wearing Wade's sweater and Bucky's pants. "Morning Pete— WHAT'S THAT?! IS THAT A HICKEY?!" Dad exclaims Pops gasps and rush to me.

"Are you alright Pete? DID THEY HURT YOU?!" Pops growls "no no no they did not, what time is it?" I ask.

"11:25, there's food in the fridge just heat it up your father and I have a tour to attend to" Pops said.

I sleepily nod and Wade and Bucky came out smirking. I roll my eyes and we eat breakfast. "I wanna come—" "come here baby, daddy'll let you come" Bucky said.

I shiver and shook my head. Then Wade was smacked by a spatula.

I laugh but ran when Nat glares at me.

I rush to the elevator with Bucky leaving  Wade to defend himself.

"You traitors! Ahk Nat!"

"Where do you want to go Peter?" FRIDAY ask "to where Steve and Tony is please" Bucky said. We hold hands and cuddle waiting.

We kiss before coming out of the elevator. "Penis Parker?!" I heard my eyes widen and I look at the sound of the direction.

The principal, my teachers and batchmates were all looking at me shock. "Penis Parker?" Bucky dangerously growls.

Then I saw everyone on full gear, "guys! Calm down!" I exclaim pushing them.



"No!" I exclaim and hold Hulk's hand throwing him on the wall, I used my web to web Nat, Bucky, Wade and Wanda.

I desperately hold Pops and Dad's hands to stop them from attacking Flash.

"GET OUT!" all of the Avengers growl. Everyone was frozen then ran screaming.

I hug Bucky— Winter Soldier, "I'm alright Winter, I'm alright" I said, "Subject lover fine... Not hurt?" he asks I shook my head and kiss him.

I knew Bucky was back when he hugs my waist. Everyone walks to us and I hug Wade then my parents tightly.

"Why didn't you tell us you were being bullied?" Pops asks "I'm fine pops" I said.

"Please inform us next time if this happens again" Uncle Bruce said and I nod.



"Today has been eventful" Tony said while we cuddle. "Very much" I said.

He sits on my lap, "oho someone seems to be ho—" "shut up and kiss me" he said.

We kissed and smile at each other, "I love you" Tony said. "I love you too" I said.

We heard Peter's moans from the other room and I roll my eyes before me and Tony kissed again.


3rd person

Peter went to school the next week, as soon as everyone spotted him they froze moving away to give him space to walk.

"Hey Ned" I greet Ned "dude everyone's talking about you now" Ned whispers. I laugh and we went to class.

Mr. Harrington gulps seeing Peter, "Mr. Rogers-Stark um... Welcome you haven't been to school for a week" he said.

"Its alright sir, I had Ned update me" I said and took out my notebook. He nods and started with the lesson.

I boredly listen and Ned was about to fall asleep. "Bruce is here" I whisper his head snaps up then everyone looks at him and I laugh quietly when he blush and glare at me.

The bell rang and I collect my things, Mr. Harrington holds my shoulder and I look at him.

"I'm sorry that I thought you were lying Peter, I'm apologizing on behalf of our school" he said nervous.

"Its alright Mr. Harrington" I said and walk away.

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