Unexpected Turn (Endgame) 2

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2 days after

3rd person

Carol lands right inside where Thanos's position is in the house. He holds Thanos and Thanos groans looking at Peter whose hidden safely in his hiding spot with Pretty.

He groans when his hand that has the gauntlet was cut when the rest comes in. Rocket shifts the hand, "oh no... Where are the stones?" Rocket said then Steve appeared glaring at Thanos.

Peter gasps and tried to get out of his hiding spot but Thanos shook his head and whispered 'wait' he said. Peter remains calm and watches his Pops and Uncle Thor shout about everything he has done.

Then Nebula started talking, Thanos stares at Peter's eyes and whispered, 'thank you and I love you'and Thor cuts of his head. "Lets go" Steve said. "Wait! Pops!" Peter shouts.

Everyone gasps and started looking around, Steve was crying and frantically searching him. "Peter... Peter! Where are you?!" Steve exclaims.

Peter finally gets rid of the locks and got out. Steve gasps tearily as soon as she spotted Peter. "Pops!" Peter shouts hugging Steve.

Steve hugs Peter tight breaking down. He and Peter place each other's forehead to each other. "Where's Dad?" Peter asks.

"At home... Oh god Peter" Steve cried kissing Peter's forehead. "Lets go home" Steve said.

"Oh wait! Pretty com'ere boy!" Peter said and Pretty runs to him everyone shouting."This is my pet, Pretty" Peter continued. Steve holds Peter's hand as they walk to the spaceship.

Peter glances at the place he was trapped for 5 years and smiled. He looked at Pretty then at his Pops who smiled at him tears still in his eyes and they entered the spaceship leaving.



I wait for Steve with Morgan in my shoulders, we adopted Morgan when we saved her from being crushed when we were cleaning the city up.

"Dad, is Pops still far away?" Morgan asks, I heard the ship, "oh here they are" I said. I walk outside and saw them coming down smiling.

Then I saw Steve carrying somebody, I walk to them and Natasha smiles at me before walking off with the others. I walk to Steve, "Steve... Who is that?" I ask.

Steve smiles at me and the boy lifted his head up and I almost drop Morgan. "Peter!" I exclaim and put Morgan down grabbing Peter.

"I miss you Dad" Peter said and I kiss his forehead still crying. "How?" I ask happy cupping.

Peter just smiles at me and hugged me even tighter. Steve picks up Morgan and smiles at me.

I felt something squished to our chest. I look at it and screamed, "what the hell is that?!!".

Morgan laughs and Peter looks at her, "whose she?" Peter asks. "This is Morgan... Your little sister" Steve said and we hold each others hand waiting for Peter's reaction.

"Wow! I have a sister! This is so cool! Hi Morgan, I'm Peter and this is my pet Pretty" Peter said.

We all smile and we hold hands walking to our home. We sit down on the couch and serve many food to Peter.

"Oh gosh thank you, its time for lunch anyway" Peter said and eat almost everything in the table with his pet.

Everyone looks at him worried, "Peter after you eat we'll have Uncle Bruce check on you okay?" I said.

"You know I am so damn tired of cactus food, right Pretty?" Peter said and Pretty makes a sound.

Steve and I look at each other, "Peter... What happened to you and Thanos?" Steve asks.

"Thanos was actually a good man, he said that as long as I follow and do as told he wouldn't kill me" Peter said.

"He trapped you in that home for 5 years?" Scott asks. "Yeah he comes and goes from time to time" Peter said.

"I don't understand... You turned to dust in Tony's arms how are you alive?" Rhodey asks. "I'm not really sure one minute I was with everyone else in one destination then... I was with Thanos and we went to another planet then Pops found me" Peter said.


"He's fine although he might have a hard time adjusting to this, he doesn't competely understand what has happened to him its like a 5 year daze or day dream you know" Bruce said.

Steve and I look at each other and glances at Morgan and Peter whose playing with Pretty and some of Morgan's toys.

"There will be a big change in what we're going to do" Steve announces to the Avengers.

"We already talked about it while you guys were checking up on Peter" Clint said. We looked at them confuse.

"You boys stay home and take care of the house, we will save everyone" Natasha said with the tone that has no space for argument.

"Yeah the time heist is done anyway, thank you Captain America and Mr. Stark, we will contact you when we need you" Scott said.

"What?" Steve and I ask.

2 weeks after past Thanos dies

The four of us are in our tent camping outside of the house. "Kids.... Are you serious—Pretty don't eat that worm.... Urgh! Pretty!" I groan.

Steve laughs and we kiss. Morgan covers Peter's eyes, "what?.... Shouldn't I be the one covering your eyes?" Peter asks.

The four of cuddle inside the tent and are finally happy together, with the Avengers happy in their own lives while we have a break.


"Pretty! Oh my god! Steve! Morgan! Peter! Wake up! Pretty ate the tent!"


THIS IS HOW ENDGAME SHOULD HAVE ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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