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"Please explain to me why there's a dog in front of me when we already have one" I said in disbelief. The gay couple and their son looks at me confuse while Peter excitedly hugs the Maltese.

"I don't think we have one Nat, this is our first dog" Steve said I roll my eyes and point Peter.

"What? Me?" Peter asks.

"Yes you, you follow everyone like a puppy" Clint said.

"Prove it"

3rd person

1. Dogs normally bring the newspapers for their owners

Peter was carrying a ton of stuff for breakfast, "Hap are the newspaper downstairs?" Peter asks.

Happy points a the newspaper at the table. Peter groans ad crouch down placing it in his mouth before running to the elevator.

FRIDAY must've already know where his going so he just waited to get to the penthouse.

Peter arrived at the penthouse and everyone was looking at him. He place the newspaper down before waiting for Steve or Tony to ruffle his hair.

Tony smiles and ruffle his hair, "go put that down the table, Nat your turn" Tony said Peter smiles and sits in the middle of his parents.

2. Dogs loves to cuddle and yearn attention from their master

Peter whines when he saw his dad and pops typing things on their laptops, "cuddle" Peter said.

But Tony and Steve just continued typing stuff on their laptops, Peter whined even louder stomping his foot and gently push their laptops away.

"Wha— Peter, were busy" Tony said. Peter laid down on both of their laps and yearn for their attention.

Steve just smiled and cuddle with their son while Tony rubs Peter's stomach.


3. Dogs loves to play anywhere

All of the Avengers were screaming while desperately following Peter who was running at the ceiling with 100% sugar in his body.

"OF ALL PLACES WHERE YOU WANT TO PLAY THE CEILING?! REALLY— PETER!" Steve screams when Peter drops down.

Peter giggled before going to the bathroom and play with the tissue.

"Uncle Sam catch me catch me!" Peter squeals. "Oh this kid wants trouble, come here" Sam said but before he can come near the bath tub Peter turns on the shower  at him.

Sam looks at Peter unamused before flicking Peter's forehead hard then Peter passed out.


4. Dogs have the tendency to hate baths

"You stink" Bruce said Peter looks at himself "I went to the gym what do you expect Uncle Bruce?" Peter said.

Natasha points at him for his sarcasm, "go take a shower, spider you really stink" Natasha said. Clint took the spray and spayed it around Peter.

Peter went to the ceiling and glared.

"Make me"

Soon Bruce, Natasha and Clint were passed out on the floor. The chased Peter around while Peter defends himself from taking a bath.

Natasha's last attempt was to get the host and spray it at Peter but Peter simply dodge it and hid in his room and made FRIDAY close it.

"Oh I do stink, bye guys I need to shower"


5. Dogs follow their owners everywhere

They were on a mission right now, "okay Peter you will go left and check for any survivors the rest of us will go and fight HYDRA" Steve said.

But before they can turn right they saw Peter following them like a puppy.

"Peter go to the left, that wing is safer and we need to see some survivors" Tony said Peter shook his rapidly and gave his puppy eyes.

"Don't give in" Bucky warned but he himself was softly complying. Peter sniffed and made his puppy eyes even bigger.

Steve sighed finally complying, "alright alright but you will stay close to me got it?" Steve said holding his hand out.

Peter smiled and hold his Pops hand following everyone else.


"See we don't need that maltese" Clint said.

"But we already bought the puppy besides how hard can it be?" Steve said.


"Oh my gosh! Steve is going to kill me! Who broke the vase?!" Tony panics. Pluto and Peter looks at each and looks at Tony with the 'I didn't do it I swear, it was him'.

Tony groaned frustrated, "FRIDAY who was running a while ago?" he asks. "They were both running sir" FRIDAY asked.

"Their both puppies what the hell did I expect?!"

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