Meeting You

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A/N: Hey guys! So my best friend requested this chapter. Peter has an autism here and he hasn't met Tony and Steve.

But they are going to meet in here so yeah😊

3rd person

The students stares in awe as the bus stops in front of Stark's Industries or better known as the Avenger's Tower.

Harry guides Peter out of the bus and lets him hide behind him. "Peter, we are in the tower now would you like to peek?" Harry asks.

Peter nods and Harry crouch down a little and let Peter have a few. "Pre-Pretty" Peter said.

They went inside and Ned and the others excitedly looks around. A man comes in with a box, "hello, I am Happy your tour guide, you must be Midtown?" Happy asks.

Mr. Harrington replied, "yes, we reserved 41 people, 1 adult and 40 students"

Happy hands out the box to Mr. Harrington, "the guy doesn't even suit his name, his frowning" Flash mumbles as he excitedly takes his card.

Harry holds his and Peter's visitor pass. Happy comes near them, "you need to wear it" Happy said.

"Sorry but our classmate is autistic he might not be comfortable with something new in his hand" Liz said.

Happy stares at Peter who was avoiding him and holding on tightly to Harry.

"Right, well make sure you don't lose it and wear yours" Happy said.

They went on with the tour and now it is time to meet Bruce Banner. They went inside a room and saw Bruce fixing a machine.

Bruce glances and grinned, "hello, I am Dr. Bruce Banner, today I'm going to show you some of the things I invent" Bruce said.

He showed a hologram and everyone was in awe at how advance the equations were. "This is my computation for building a robot that can help parents in taking care of their children like a... Babysitter though uh its not yet done" Bruce said.

"H-he got an e-equation wrong" Peter said. Bruce heard it and looks at his computation.

"I'm sorry what was wrong? How did you know?" Bruce said. Peter whispers something to Harry.

"Um he said that the second part was supposed to be negative and have a delta sign on it, I don't know what he meant his smarter than me" Harry said.

Bruce stares at the boys before looking at his equation and start solving it. "His correct" Bruce said in awe.

He comes near the boys to thank him but Harry avoids him, "sorry my friend is um autistic he hates human contact unless its someone he trusts" Harry explained.

"Peter Parker is actually the smartest student in Midtown High we were suggesting him to start college but he insists on going with Harry" Mr. Harrington explained.

Bruce nods and smiles at Peter, "thank you Peter" he said and saw Tony at the back staring at Peter in awe as well.

"Tony" he smiles everyone stares back and gasps at the sight of Tony Stark. "I was impressed with the boy" Tony explains.

He wents near Harry and Peter, "hello Peter, I'm Tony, do you like sunglasses?" Tony gently asks Peter nods shyly.

"You know I had a cousin who's child has autism, he likes sunglasses as well but this one is the coolest" Tony said trying to impress the boy showing the sunglasses.

Peter shyly takes it and wears it, "t-thank you" he said.

Tony smiles at him and claps his hand, "time for lunch" he said. Everyone thanks Bruce before following Tony to a canteen.

All the other Avengers were there and Steve smiles at his husband motioning him to sit down next to him.

"I'm impressed with Peter" Bruce said while they eat. "Me too, Steve that kid is so smart, he was able to know Bruce's mistake and he's autistic" Tony said pointing at Peter.

It was normal for Peter to walk around while Harry tries to get him to eat. "Come here Pete, look at me for a bit" Harry said.

Steve smiles at the two and takes his plate before approaching Peter. "Hi Peter, I have some food can you say ah?" Steve asks.

Peter looks at him before opening his mouth, Steve smiles and feeds him some.

Harry smiles, "say thank you Pete" Harry said. Peter hides behind Harry already feeling shy.

"Thank you sir" Harry said before following Peter who started walking again.

"He's an orphan" Tony said to Steve as they lay in bed.

"Oh poor Peter" Steve said, they decided to research on the boy.

"He stays at Osborn's, that's why Osborn's son was with them though his not a student anymore of Midtown" Tony continued.

"We should... I mean we always wanted to adopt right? Peter looks a bit like you" Steve said. Tony looks at his husband and nods.

"FRI call Osborn" Tony said.

Norman appears, "to what do I owe the pleasure? I- Peter, sit down okay? Uncle's talking to someone right now" he said.

"I want to talk about Peter, the kid you have right now" Tony said. Norman looks at him, "what about him?" he asks.

"Its says here that he's an orphan, Steve and I want to take him in" Tony said hoping. Norman observes and saw that his telling the truth.

"I'll have Harry talk to Peter, lets meet next week in La Isabellè Resto 6 pm" Norman said and cuts the call.

The five of them sits down, Peter was tinkering with a small robot. "What's that Peter?" Tony asks.

"I... make m-machine for Harry, s-so.. he not miss me" Peter explains. "We'll be able to still see each other Pete, I'll go there every Sunday, Sunday is the last day of the week" Harry said smiling.

"O-okay done" Peter said handing the small robot, the robot walks to Harry and waves. Everyone looks at the boy impressed.

Peter waves at Harry while Harry smiles at him and the car left.

"Lets go Pete?" Steve asks helding out his hand. Peter looks at it and carefully takes it. Steve and Tony smiled before they as well went home.

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