Rich Kids part 2

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3 weeks after


I still can't get over on that evening. I mean who wouldn't?! Your best friend thinks a Lamborghini is cheap, you went to his screaming-billions house, and you ate dinner with the Avengers.

Today were at school and all of us are huddled to the gym and are supposed to watch the LIVES OF THE RICH KIDS show.

3rd person

"Today my dear watchers we are thankfully able to interview the sons of Iron Man and Captain America. Deary me, this kids are already multi billionaires even before they were born"

"Everyone meet Peter Stark and Harley Stark"

Everyone at the gym had their mouths gaping and Flash chocked on his drink.



"So what are your schedules for today?" the interviewer asks.

"We do almost everything together but first we will go to our daily shopping mostly its Peter, then eat at some usual restaurants and just do our stuff" Harley said.

"Alright so Peter, where are we going to go shopping to?" he asks.

"Well first, I am going to buy a newly released bag from Luis Vuitton and buy this leather jacket I planned to buy and some legos because cause I love Legos" I said.

"Any plan dates for tonight Harry?" he teases.

Harry places a firm hold on my waist, "yup, were going out tonight at Masa you guys can come, my parents and Peter's family are coming anyway" Harry said.


3rd person

The interviewer by this time has probably forgotten himself by just how much the three multi-billionaires spends.

Right on the spot in front of the them and the whole wide world, Harley bought a Piager Emperador Temple watch.

Harry bought the Lamborghini Aventador Model Car.

Peter bought a Gucci Leather Jacket, three limited edition bags of Luis Vuitton and the Golden Monopoly.

And they were finally at Masa with the Avengers and Mr. Osborn.


"How was everyone's day?" Steve asks the silent table. Everyone stopped eating and the interviewer's team looks at them.




"I bought a new Leather Jacket" Peter said.

"That's great"

"Show it to me"

"Another one?"

Everyone chuckles quietly at Clint's comment.

The interviewer and the viewers were watching how graceful everyone eats. Surprisingly the table is quiet and having only small coversations.

Even Hawkeye who everyone knows as very active and noisy is quietly eating his grand fettuccine.

"Order up a Krug" Tony said. Pepper nods and call the waiter.

Even the interviewer got a nice taste on the Krug and felt like he is in heaven.

They were back at compund and the interview went on quickly until Peter decided that he wants get out of the place and have some fun.

Everyone goes to King Cole bar and the interviewer got to experience the best and finest drink. It was far but worth it.

"You know interviewer, this bar was actually mine and Steve's second date destination" Tony said.

Steve and the others laugh, "yeah and remember when you almost spilled your drink" Steve said and the laughs got louder.

"Hey wasn't my fault, you kissed my cheeks" Tony scowls and Steve blushes and everyone laughed.

"Anyways... Mr. Interviewer you are very special since you will be the one to exclusively hear the news" Harry said and he and Peter stands up with wines in hands.

Everyone looked at them especially their parents and Harley. They looked at each other smiling gently.

"We went to a date in Las Vegas a month ago and was just waiting for the right time" Peter said.

Their gazes are hard and loving. Everyone could see how much they love each other.

"And I was on my way to pick up Peter but then got what I ordered in an luxurious ring shop" Harry said and their foreheads are together.

(Although Harry had to duck a little so he can reach Peter's small height)

"And then we were eating in the lovely balcony set up by Harry" Peter said.

"I take out the ring and kneel to him while the wonderful violin and piano played" Harry said hugging Peter's waist.

"Then he said a wonderful speech and finally said will you marry me?" Peter said.

Harry chuckles and kiss Peter's forehead, "and he said yes" Harry said.

Everyone in the table claps happy. Tony and Steve has a few tears in their eyes while Norman is crying happy.

"MORE KRUG!" Thor shouts happy.


"Welp, that wraps up LIVES OF THE RICH KIDS, thank you so much Peter, Harley and Harry. Congratulations by the way" the interviewer said and Harry kissed Peter's cheeks while Harley rolls his eyes and the episode ended.

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