Kidnapped in Spanish

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3rd person

Peter woke up and took in his surrounding. His bed seems to be rough and cold, it wasn't the usual soft and comfortable his teddy bears wasn't around too.

He looked all over the place and saw a man smoking, "hey! Where am I?" Peter asks. The man looks up, "ah Peter Parker estas despierto (ah Peter Parker you're awake)" the man said.

"¿Dónde estoy? (Where am I?)" Peter snaps glaring at the man. The man sneered and hit him by the face.

He groaned and lift himself up and look at his poorly tied hands. "¿Amigo, incluso sabes cómo secuestrar a la gente? (dude, do you even know how to kidnap people?)" Peter said.

Then the man turned on the lights and it revealed all of the Avengers tied up and looking at the boy in panic.

"Dad! Pops!" Peter panics and rush to them.

The man laughs, "¿Qué harás ahora? (what will you do now?)" he teased.

Then Peter laughed, his parents and relatives looking at him like he was crazy but they didn't know Spanish they weren't sure the teenager has gone crazy.

"En primer lugar, ¿cómo conseguiste secuestrarlos? (First of all, how did you manage to kidnap them?)" Peter asked.

Then the lights switched revealing a lot of men. Peter eyes widened.

"Oh, parece que tu padre quiere decir algo (oh it seems your father wants to say something)" the man said and removed Tony's tape.

"Peter, we'll figure something our just calm down you-hmmph" Tony was cut off to the tape coming back to his mouth.

"I can't believe it.... I have to reveal myself to save you guys" Peter said sighing.

Everyone looks at him confuse, "Karen" he said then his suit comes out revealing Spiderman.

The Avengers eyes widened, they've been looking and catching Spiderman for years now and all this time he was infront of them.

Then Peter started webbing the bad guys to the wall. Then one of them shot him, he gasps and fell down.

He hears the murmured screams of his family and stood up glaring. "I JUST UPDATED MY SUIT!" he shouts and webs the man.

Then all was left was the man he first saw. The man looks scared but keeping his strong facade.

"¿Vamos a jugar un juego señor? (lets play a game mister?)" he asked. The man took out his guns and chased after Peter.

He shot and shot hitting Peter all the time but Peter kept on moving. His adrenaline and spider sense was preventing him from feeling the pain and dying as well.

Natasha was finally able to remove the ropes and helped the others then they rushed to Peter.

Steve gasps at the sight of their son, he was blooded and exhausted. "Estoy cansado, ¿no puedo matarte? (I'm tired, can't I just kill you?)" Peter asks sarcastically.

The man fell on his knees in fear seeing Peter's burning red eyes through the mask.

"Lo siento viejo (sorry old man)— Karen activate instant kill" Peter said.

Then the man felt it, a stong electricity flowing through his veins and images of the creepiest creatures he has ever seen.

Children helding out knives at him, the faces of the innocent that he killed chasing after him then he saw his daughter being killed.... Then everything went black....

Peter chuckled seeing the man's reaction then he felt it the pain. His adrenaline rush was done, the wounds had healed but it was still painful.

He looks at his pops and dad's eyes before passing out.


"It isn't that I'm not worried about him Tony but his spider genes are incredible! It made him heal faster than a person's growing tumor" Bruce said fascinated.

Tony looks at his sleeping husband and son then back at the paper results. "Yes it is incredible" he admits.

Then Steve woke up, "is Peter awake?" he asks and look at the other side of the bed seeing Peter still sleeping.

He sighed and brushed the hair of his son's face. "When will he wake up?" Steve whimpers Tony hugged his crying husband.

"Soon babe, we just have to be patient" Tony said.

Then Peter groaned, he looked around and saw his parents he smiled but frowned when he realize that his identity was found.

Steve hugged him frantically, "does anything still hurt?" Tony asks "nah I'm fine" Peter said.

"We love you Pete" Steve said and Peter smiled, "love you too dads" he said and the three of them hugged.

"We were so worried Peter, why didn't you tell us your Spiderman huh?" Steve scolds.

"We're happy that your awake Pete but as soon as your healed we will have a serious talk about you being Spiderman" Tony said.

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