Big Family Day

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"A family day?" pops ask interested, "yeah and we can bring anybody we want, no limited numbers" I said.

Dad and pops smiled, "then lets bring everyone bud, the Odinson brothers are coming and also the Guardians!" dad said.

Oh no.....

"Move it!" Sam shouts while we were all squeezed at the back except for pops and dad.

"Your f*cking foot Thor!" Bruce exclaims, "hey! Your squeezing me!" Rocket shouts.

"You deserve it rabbit!"

"He's not a rabbit! Idiot!"

"Please shut up"

"Vision! Move it!"

"Alright alright shut up!" dad shouts and I sigh. "Drax! Put your head back at the car!" Gamora shouts.

"Loki! For f*cking sake can you move!"

"The foods beside me Barnes! You want something to eat or not!?"


"Hit them with a bat or something" I groan, Tony sighs, "even if I hit them with a bat nothing will ever shut them up, Peter you hanging there?" Tony said.

"Yeah!" he said then I felt something hit the roof of the van.

"WILSON!" Tony shouts and hits the roof.

"Dad! Clint lost his soul!"

"My god! Tell me were near the school!"

"Almost!" I shout.

"Hurry up! I think Groots gonna puke!"


Then I speed up when I saw Peter's school. I park at the nearest free space.

"Thank god!" Peter shouts as everyone gets out of the car.

Everyone breaths into the fresh air and we went inside to get Peter to his class and register.

"So what do you want to do first?" I ask while I sign with Tony.

"Well we can roam around and I'll show you around especially at the places I usually go to" he said.

3rd person

All of the students with their parents were free to roam around and check out the school since it was a Saturday and there were rides and booths.

The whole family followed Peter wherever he goes and the first place they went to was his classroom.

"Is anybody here?" Peter asks knocking, the door opened and Liz smiled at Peter before going out with his mom since Liz's dad is in jail.

"Yeah lets get inside" Peter said and everyone looked around, "thats where I sit, near the window and this is my locker" he said.

Peter opens the locker and everyone was in awe at how organized it was. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I ask.

"Its almost lunch time so we can eat" Wong suggested, "you know... For the past few days all you've think about is food..." Stephen said and everyone stares at him.

"I'm a growing man" he just said and carried the bag full of food.

"Nuh uh magic oldie, your not running off with everyone's lunch" Natasha said and took the bag.

Then they ate out and everyone was staring at their group in awe and by the fences the paparazzi are shouting comments and questions which they just ignored with stuffing their faces with food.

"So where are we going after this?" Scott asks still eating, "can we leave now?" Nick asks.

"No we can't leave, Peter will be considered as cutting his classes" Steve said and Peter laughs, "y-you think I wasn't skipping my classes hahahahaha- oh shoot!"

"What?! You've been cutting classes!"

"Kiddo! You really are my son!"

"Hey its normal! And Wade always tells me to cut classes!"


"Oh come on!"

"Alright alright everyone shut up!" Thor shouts. Everyone glares at him but shuts up before looking at Peter.

"Its perfectly normal-" "no its not"

"¡Oh vamos! (Oh come on!)"

"¡Es malo! (Its bad!)"

"What are they saying?" Rocket asks.

"Welp, the Spanish are fighting so lets go children" Tony said pushing everyone out.


Then at the end of the day they were the happiest family who had the best family day although lets just say the van didn't really blew up it more like cut into little pieces that none can be retrieved....

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