-Thomas Sangster- •30 minute break•

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@subjectA6thefangirl: I have an Idea for a Thomas Imagine   Plot: The Luka state, 30-minute break! 
Thank you for this Idea/Request! I hope I did a good job!

Thomas POV
I sit down on the couch with a beer. I take a sip and then my girlfriend walks out, in her underwear and a towel. She's so cute "Hey Baby." I say as she sits next to me "Hey Tommy" she says "Hey I am going out with some of my friends tonight" "Okay maybe I'll see you somewhere, I have to pick up my new phone case" She tells me "Okay" I tell her. She smiles and kisses my cheek before getting up. I look at her ass as she walks away but I grab her hips and pull her back and wrap my arms around her stomach "Do you call that a kiss?" I ask her. She giggles "I'm sorry." She says before pressing her lips against mine briefly. My grip loosens around her stomach "Thank you" I say and let her go. She smiles and walks back to our bedroom. I feel kinda bad that I cheated on her but I had a good reason! We never have fun anymore! I was desperate and I cheated on her...It was bad but that was the best feeling I had in months!! I empty my bottle before walking to the door, grabbing my jacket and walking out. 

*Time Skip*

Your POV
I walk on the streets when I bumped into someone. I look up and see Thomas "Baby!" He says and hugs me "Hey Tommy." I say "You wanna come with us? We are just heading towards a pup or cafe somewhere near." He asks "S-sure" I stutter. I don't know any of these people. I thought he was going out with Will or Jack or something. I just walk with them, Thomas warps an arm around me as we walk. I feel safer around him, it must've been hard for him. We haven't done anything special in a couple of months but I have been working really hard to earn enough money for us to go away somewhere. I just hope Thomas won't be mad at me. He never said anything about it but I know him, he can get mad when he's desperate. We walk into a pup and sit down at a table. I snuggle into Thomas' warmth "Hey" He says and Kisses my head before talking with his friends again. He's checking his phone a lot too tonight, he's never checking his phone while he's talking to someone. Strange. Maybe it's something for a new movie or something like that. But if it was he would've told me...right? I decide to ignore it and try to get into the conversation a bit. "Baby, I have to go to the toilet can you please...?" He asks "Of course." I say getting up and letting him through. He walks off and his friends start to smirk a little "What's so funny?" I ask them "Nothing!" They say. Great now I am stuck here with them! But then in the corner of my eye, I see Thomas going outside instead of the bathrooms. I frown and go after him. When I walked out I saw him talking to a girl. Okay there is nothing wrong with.....Then I see her kissing his cheek and saying "I'll see you tomorrow night then" She said before walking away. Thomas smirks "Sure will, Baby!" He says. I look at him "Thomas?" I say. He looks at me in shock "Y/N? Y/N I can explain!" "Don't even try!" I say before running off.

I ran into our apartment. I close the door but I hear a loud BANG! Then I hear Thomas groan in pain and see him holding his fist. He walks inside and takes off his jacket. He walks towards the kitchen and puts some ice on his hand before grabbing a bottle of whiskey. I look at him as he drinks "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" I yell at him and start to throw things at him. This is as mad as I've ever been. In my whole life! "Y/N stop! Please!" He begs. I stop throwing but I give him a look that could easily kill him before I started to kick him "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU FUCKING CHEATER!!!" I yell. He crawls into our bedroom and closes and locks the door. I start to cry "Fucking cheater" I cry and put my hands on the door. I couldn't believe that he was really cheating on me. I don't hear anything on the other side of the door, just a few groans. I get up about to walk away when the bedroom door behind me opens. I turn around and Thomas walks out, shirtless, and with bruises all over his body. I start to cry even more as he walks out.

Thomas POV
I light my cigarette. I blew it, I totally blew it. I deserved it! Every single kick, every word...I deserved it all. I throw away my cigarette, I don't want it anymore! I don't want anything else but Y/N and I just lost her! I FUCKING BLEW IT!! Then I hear the door behind me open, I look over my shoulder and see Y/N walking out in a shirt and a blanket wrapped around her. She puts the blanket over my shoulders and wipes a little blood off my cheek before walking back to the door. "Y/N..." I say and grab her hand pulling her back "Please let me explain" "There is nothing to explain Thomas" She rarely calls me by my full name "Y/N, I regret it. Everything" "But it was my fault." She says "No no no none of this is your fault." I tell her "No it is. I was so busy with my work trying to earn more money so we could go away somewhere that I totally forgot about you. I was so selfish" She says "Wow wow wow....you were trying to get more money, so we could get away for a little vacation?" I ask her. She nods slowly "I'm sorry Thomas, this is all my fault! I can't believe I did this to you" She said pointing at my bruises "This isn't your fault, I was the one that cheated" "But it's my fault you got desperate" She says. I see her shiver so I put the blanket around her "It's my own fault, I never asked you why you were tired at the end of the day" I tell her. She starts to cry "I'm sorry" she cries. I pull her into my chest and kiss her head "I'm sorry too"  I tell her. After a few minutes, she pulls away and wipes her tears away "I'll just go inside now" She says and puts the blanket around me again. But I pulled her back and trapped her between my legs and letting her hold the railing. I let the blanket wrap around both of us "I'm sorry Y/N. I love you, you know that right?" "I know Tommy. I love you too" She says and kisses my cheek. My arms wrap around her stomach and my head rests on her head "Were you really working more just so we could go on vacation?" She nods slowly "How much do we have now?" I ask her "Five thousand pounds." She says "What?! Did you really?" She nods "You are amazing, Baby." I tell her "Come on, let's go to bed" I say before picking her up and walking inside. We lie down on our bed. Y/N is all snuggled up in my chest "Sweet dreams Baby" I tell her.

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