-Thomas Sangster- •Someone New•

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A/N: This imagine was requested by softieLover_ and I suggest you listen to this song first because the imagine is based on this song and I hope I did well. It is a very long chapter, it's over 1500 words so enjoy it and have fun reading. And maybe a part two? Let me know, I love you all! 

Thomas POV
I walked around the park near my apartment. It was a cloudy morning today, not many people were outside, I was just walking around with my hands in my pocket. My new girlfriend is coming over today to have a nice date night at home but I don't feel like it but I can't cancel at the last second. I kinda like cloudy days...it reminds me of Y/N. My ex-girlfriend. I don't know what's going on with me lately but ever since we broke up, I only think about her more. I was looking for someone else, and I found her. She's pretty, funny, really kind and sweet, and has a great eye for art and music.

But Y/N...Y/N was beautiful, hilarious when it came to jokes, she was the kindest and sweetest person I have ever met, and Y/N was super creative! She even wrote her own stories. I shouldn't compare my new girlfriend to my ex, I love my new girlfriend. I walked out of the park and went to the store a few blocks away. That's when I realized when I was on a very familiar street. I looked up and saw Y/N's apartment. That's where we had the fight that made us break up. I don't even remember doing anything wrong.  I back up a little bit and stare at her windows and remember that day.

"Y/N, please just talk to me? I have the feeling that I did something wrong." I tell her. She just groans and avoids eye contact. I smirk a little at her "I know a way to get you to talk to me." I smirk and lean down to kiss her neck. She puts her hand on my shoulder "Thomas, don't." She tells me. I chuckle "Why?" I ask and continue. But she gets up from the couch "I said stop!" She says and walks towards the kitchen. I walk after her "Y/N, Love, what's going on with you?" I ask her "What's going on with me? What's going on with you!" She says "What?" I say "Don't do that." She says and walks back to the living room "Do what?" I ask her as I walk after her. She runs her hand through her hair "Acting like you don't know what I am talking about because you know exactly what I am talking about!" She says

"No, I don't." I tell her. She chuckles "Oh you do! Checking out and flirting with my best friend! Does that ring a bell?!" She yells "Love, stop shouting." I say rather calm "Cut the bullshit, Thomas!" She yells "What do you want me to say? Yes, I checked her out! What did you expect? She was wearing a very sexy dress and that's what men do when they see someone sexy!" I tell her. She looks at me even angrier "I'm not making this any better." I say quietly "But, Love, I wasn't flirting with her, I was just talking." "They always say that! Are you going to use that excuse when I catch you in bed with her one day?" She asks. I chuckle "Now you're just being ridiculous." I say. She looks at me again, looking like she wanted to kill me, "I really should think before I start talking." I whisper "Yeah, maybe you should. Oh, I have another idea! Maybe you should go outside and find a new girlfriend?!" She tells me "What?" I ask her "If you want to bang my best friend, be my guest, just don't come back." "Y/N..." I start "FUCK OFF!!"

"You don't want to end what we have." I tell her "Maybe I do." She answers "Of for fucks sakes! Just because I was checking someone out?" I ask her "You were checking my best friend out and you are even denying the fact that you were flirting with her!" She says "I didn't flirt!" I tell her. She groans and turns around, not looking at me. I groan "Really? If you're so angry now, why didn't you come over to me and tell me this the other night?" I asked her. She ignored me "Of course! Ignore me! I won't mention the times when you were being sexy with my friends! You were flirting with them in front of my eyes, did you ever hear me complain? No! Because I never thought it was a problem!" I tell her "Well, apparently it is!" She says "So, what you're saying is that you get to be the slut every time my friends come over, but when I check out another girl and just have a normal conversation with her afterward it is a huge problem?" I ask her "What did you just call me?" She says quietly. She turns around and I see that she's crying. I shouldn't have said that "Y/N, Love, I'm sorry." I say and walk over to her but she pushes me away "GET OUT!!" 
--End of Flashback--

I never should've called her a slut. She wasn't. I feel so guilty every time I think about that moment. I should've talked to her differently, an adult conversation, I lost her because of that. I'm so stupid! "Tommy?" a very sweet voice says. My eyes leave the sky and meet my girlfriend's eyes "Hey, Darling." I smile and kiss her on the cheek "What are you doing here?" "I was just on my way to you." She says "What are you doing here?" She asks "Uh...going to the store! You can come with me." I suggest "Sure!" She smiles and links her arm with mine and together we walk to the store "Doesn't your Ex-Girlfriend live in that building?" She asks "Yeah, I mean she used to, I don't know if she still does." I tell her "Tommy, the past is the past, she wasn't good for you. But you have me now!" She smiles. I smile back and kiss her.

Your POV
I groan quietly as I sit up in my bed. The covers are wrapped around my body. I look to my right and see my new boyfriend still fast asleep in my bed. I'm seriously trying so hard to forget him. I just can't get him out of my head! Last night when we were having dinner with his friends, all I could think about was him. Last night when we were making out, all I could think about was him. Just like this morning, all I can think of is him. Why am I thinking about that fucking ex-boyfriend of mine? I have a far sexier boyfriend now! Thomas was a better kiss though...he also knew how to cheer me up when I was sad...and he knew how to give great massages. But he called me a slut! He's probably all alone right now, regretting everything he said that day. Or he is a lot happier with someone prettier than me, he's probably madly in love with someone else and forgot all about me. 

I get out of bed and put on an over-sized shirt. I pull the covers over my boyfriend and walk out of the bedroom to make myself some breakfast. While I was making breakfast, I felt arms around my waist and abs pressing against my back "No good morning before you left?" He asks and kisses my neck. I giggle and kiss his cheek "I thought you were asleep. Good morning, babe." I smile "Good morning, Baby." He smiles and makes himself some coffee "Where did you get that shirt?" He asks "My closet." I giggle. He frowns "It isn't mine." He says. I realized it was one of Thomas' old shirts "Oh, I remember! They delivered the wrong package one time, I kinda liked it so I never send it back." I tell him. He smiles "Alright for a second I thought it was one of your ex-boyfriend's shirts." He says "That would be stupid." I laugh.

He pulls me closer and kisses me. When we pull back I smile at him "That was pleasant." I giggle "I sure hope it was." He smiles "By the way, my sister texted me today. She asked me if we would come over to her and her boyfriend to have a movie night." He says "Tonight?" I ask him "Yeah?" "Sure! I can really use some distraction." I tell him "Why?" He asks "I just had a bad dream. I'll tell you about it later." I tell him. He smiles and kisses me again "Alright, you know you can always talk to me right?" "I know. Now drink your coffee and take a shower. You smell like me." I giggle. 

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Where stories live. Discover now