-Thomas Sangster- •Single Dad•

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A/N: this one was also requested by Lilleigh44 I really hope you like this imagine.

Thomas POV
"Daddy?" "Yes, baby girl?" I ask her "Demi asked me about mommy yesterday in school." She says. I look into her beautiful brown eyes "Where is Mommy?" She asks "Mommy left, remember? She left you here with me so I could take care if you." I tell her "Mommy's mean." She says. I kiss her cheek "But I'm glad she didn't take you with her." I tell her "I love Daddy!" She giggles and hugs me "I love you too, Baby girl." I tell her. I pick her up and stand back on my feet "Time for school!" She smiles "Just wait until you're a little older." I say quietly.

*Time Skip*

"Good morning, Emily." "Good morning Ms. Y/L/N!" My baby girl giggles and kisses my cheek before walking away "Bye bye Daddy!" "Bye Baby girl. I will see you later." I tell her "Mr. Sangster? Can I talk to you for a second?" Ms. Y/L/N asks me "Of course." I smile. She steps a little closer to me "Mr. Sangster, I know this might be very personal but I have to ask, does Emily have any any kind of Mother figure in her life?" She asks "No, sadly she doesn't. Why is there something wrong?" I ask her "Well, yesterday her best friend Demi asked her about her mother and she started to cry." She explains "May I ask what happened to her mother?" "Of course, a day or two after Emily was born her mother and I had a fight. Her mother didn't want to take care of her, she thought it was going to be too hard. That's why she left one morning. No note, no explanation, just leaving me with a baby girl. I'm trying my best to not bring up her mother because she broke my heart and she never gave a damn about Emily. I'm just trying to be the dad she deserves." I tell her. She smiles "You are, she's always talking about you." She smiles "Ms. Y/L/N..." "Please Y/N." She tells me "Y/N, Emily is always very happy when she talks about you. She really likes you." I tell her. She blushes a little "Not as much as you." She tells me.

"Well, I was thinking, as she likes you so much, I wanted to ask you if you might...w-want to have dinner at my place tonight?" I ask her "Are you asking me on a date?" She asks as she steps closer to me. Smirking. "Y-Yeah...f-for Emily of course!" I stutter. She smiles slightly "Alright, I'll be there." She smiles.

*A few months Later*

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Emily says jumping on the bed. I groan "Y/N, can you tell Daddy to wake up please?" She asks Y/N. I groan and open my eyes and take Emily into my arms "I'm awake, what's up Baby girl?" I ask her "I couldn't sleep, the stars woke me up." She giggles. I pull the covers over her "I'll get her Teddy bear." Y/N says getting out of bed. Emily looks at me "Daddy, is Y/N going to be my new mommy?" She asks "Maybe." I smirk "I love Y/N!" She giggles "I love her too." I tell her. Y/N comes back and gives Emily her Teddy Bear. I share a kiss with Y/N before we go back to sleep "Y/N and Daddy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Emily giggles "Go to sleep little one." Y/N tells her "Yes Mommy." She says before drifting off to sleep. I smirk as I look at Y/N. She smirks back.

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