-Thomas Sangster- •Happy birthday baby!•

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Your POV
I slowly open my eyes by the alarm I set. Lucky for me Thomas doesn't wake up so I quietly get out of bed. It's Thomas' birthday today and I want to make it the best day ever!! I walk down the stairs towards the kitchen and start to make breakfast for him. I can't believe he's twenty-nine years old!! His family and friends are coming today so I will try to make this time we have together a little special too. When the food is ready I put it all on a tray with a cup of tea and walk back up to our room. I open the door and see that Thomas is still asleep. I smile and put the tray on the desk in our room and crawl onto the bed, literally crawling on top of him "Baby...Baby, wake up." I whisper in his ear. He doesn't open his eyes so I lie down on him "Baby, wake up. It's your birthday." I whisper again. I hear him groan a little and I see him open his eyes "Y/N? What time is it?" He asks "Time for your birthday!" I giggle. He starts to smile "Happy Birthday baby!" I say before kissing his whole face. He chuckles "Love, stop that, it tickles!" He says. I giggle and stop kissing him "I made you breakfast." I tell him and jump up from the bed grabbing the tray and put it down on his lap "Enjoy it! I am going to run you a bath while you eat" I tell him and kiss his head before running off towards our bedroom and let the hot water fill the bathtub. As the bath is filling up I run back to the bedroom and see Thomas eating the breakfast "You like it?" I ask him. He nods "This is amazing!" He tells me "Well your bath is almost ready and when you are in the bath you are getting your first present!" I tell him "My first? Are there more?" He asks. I nod and walk back to the bathroom "Hurry up!" I tell him "But Enjoy it!" I hear him chuckle. 

Thomas lies down in the bath "This is a nice start of the day, Darling. Thank you!" He says "No! No 'Thank you's' yet! There is no need to thank me for anything!" I tell him. He chuckles and grabs my hand "Come here." He says "I'm already here." I giggle "I mean in the bath." He smirks "Alright." I say and kiss his head before taking off my clothes and getting into the bathtub. He smiles and pulls me towards him "So...my present?" He asks. I smile and tell him to close his eyes so he does. I dry my hands and grab the box "Okay open up." I tell him. He slowly opens his eyes and starts to smile "Really?" He asks "Yep!" I smile. I am holding all the Star Wars movies in my hand "You are the best!" He tells me and kisses my lips. I giggle and pull back "I am not." I put the movies back down and wrap my arms around his neck "And I hope you like the other presents too." 

*Time Skip*

Thomas and I are in a restaurant. Finally some time alone. All we do is stare at each other  and holding hands while we are waiting for our dinner to come "So are you enjoying your birthday?" I ask him "Very much! I love you so much you know that right?" He asks "I do...you tell me every hour of the day." I giggle. He smiles and kisses my hands "What did I do to deserve you?" He asks "Not much, after all, it was Dylan who took me to the set of The Maze Runner." I Smile "Yeah." He smiles "By the way, did I tell you how amazing you look?" He asks "You did, three times." I tell him "I'm sorry, I know I'm boring." He tells me "No you are not! You are amazing! Not boring at all." I tell him. Then the waiter comes to our table with our food "There you go, enjoy your dinner." He tells us and walks away. 

When we finished our dinner, we paid the check and started to walk home. Thomas holds me close "I noticed something." He tells me "What is it?" I ask him "That dress is really short...does this have to do something with my last present?" He smirks "Maybe." I smirk back. He bites his lip and moves his arm from over my shoulder, down to my waist. When we get home I tell him to go up to the bedroom. He kisses me quickly before running up the stairs. I giggle and take off my heels and walk into the kitchen to grab my last present. I walk up to our bedroom with the box in my hands "Hey Love! What do you have there?" He asks "Your last present! Open it up" I tell him and give him the box. He rips it open and his eyes widen. I start to smile "Y-You like it?" I ask him. He holds up the pregnancy test "You are really pregnant?" He asks with tears in his eyes. I nod slowly...he doesn't like it?! He gets up and throws the pregnancy test on the bed pulling me in for a kiss "That is the best present of all! I love you so much!" He says against my lips "You like it?" I ask him "Like it?! This is the best present anyone could've given me! Except for you!" He smiles and kisses me for a few more minutes "Happy birthday Baby." I tell him. He smiles like a little kid and hugs me tightly "BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!" He yells

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS SANGSTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you so much!! I hope you liked this imagine. (Published at 5-16-2019)

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon