-Lampwick- •Stealing is bad•

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Your POV
I walk around the town, just wondering around the town. Some people look at me weird because I am wearing pants instead of a dress. It's just that I don't really like the idea of a dress. Why wear something uncomfortable if you could wear something that fits perfectly and that could get you out of trouble. Not that I get into trouble very often though. Then the baker ran out of the bakery running after some kids "Where are you going?" I ask him "They stole from me!" He yells and runs after the boys. I sigh "Lampwick...why?" I whisper before running after the baker and some other people who also joined him. When we start looking for them my mouth got covered and I got pulled into an alleyway. I was pushed against the wall "What on earth are you doing?" He asks "Uh...looking for you. Trying to help you dumbass." I tell him "Kitten, you know you don't have to do that." He says and tries to kiss me but I push him off "What did you steal this time?" I ask him. He sighs and looks away "Lampwick." I say "Kitten, I need food alright. I don't have money to buy some, you want me to stay alive right?" He asks "I do but Lampwick... Stealing is bad, you know you can always ask me to buy you some food." I tell him "You won't waste your money on me. I can't ask that of you." He tells me "So you want to be a thief the rest of your life?" I ask him "Living underneath a boat when you could be in a warm bed with me snuggled up with you?" I ask him "I like that last part." He smirks "Okay, we'll ask my dad if you can stay with us. But first, we need to get you out of here, unseen." I tell him. He starts to think and gives me his jacket "What's the meaning of this?" I ask him "Without my jacket, they won't recognize me." "But then they'll come after me!" I say "Exactly." He laughs and starts to run away from me "LAPMWICK!!" I yell

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt