-Thomas Sangster- •During the day: Just Y/N. But During the night?•

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Thomas POV
I am watching TV with my sister and Dylan is doing something in our kitchen. She's waiting for her friend, Y/N, she will be staying over tonight. I mean not that I mind but it's annoying when Ava's around. Y/N and I have feelings for each other and we kinds make out every time we are home alone... oh god I miss those soft lips!! No one knows about us. The reason for that? Well Y/N is about six years younger than I am she's 17. It's weird I know but...I love her so much and she loves me! "And what are you smirking about?" Ava asks me and snaps me out of my thoughts. I wipe the smirk off my face "Nothing" I tell her "No...what were you thinking about?" She asks "Nothing!" I say. She was about to yell at me when the doorbell rang "I'll get it!!" Dylan yells and runs towards the door. I smirk at Ava before getting up and walk towards the door. Dylan is almost killing Y/N while he's hugging her "Dylan there is no reason to kill her" I chuckle. He laughs and lets her go. She turns to me "Hey Thomas" She says "Hey Y/N, how are you?" "I'm fine, thanks for asking. And you two? Are you two alright?" She asks "I am I don't know if Dylan has ever been alright but I think he is." I say. She giggles "Where's Ava?" She asks "In the living room." I say. She smiles and walks into our house. Dylan walks after her "Hey Tom are you coming?" He asks "Yeah just give me one second." I tell him and walk away to my room. I make up my bed a little, I know that Y/N likes it when my bed is clean and neat. I walk downstairs again and see Y/N and Ava in the kitchen. I stand next to Y/N and put my hand on her ass "What are you two talking about?" I ask them with a small smirk on my face "You don't need to know" Ava tells me "Oh come on Ava, he's your brother he won't be surprised if you..." "Still! I don't want him to know" She says. Y/N looks at me "Ava wants to watch a...sexy movie tonight, because her new celebrity crush is in it" she tells me "Y/N!!!!" Ava yells. I chuckle "Oh Ava, you are so obsessed with boys" I laugh "And what movie are we talking about here?" I ask "The first Time" Y/N tells me "That's Dylan's movie" I say confused. Ava just looks down and doesnt open her mouth. I look back at Y/N "And what about you? You don't have an eye on some kind of Fuck boy?" I ask "Nope. The guy I have eyes for is not a fuck boy" "You sure?" I ask with a smirk on my face "Yes I am sure!" She giggles "Alright well, I'll leave you two alone then. You can have your girl talk...or something like that" I say. I squeeze Y/N's ass lightly before leaning down her ear "I'll see you later tonight" I whisper and walk away.

*Time Skip*

Dylan and I are in my room watching a movie. Dylan is half asleep and I am just on my phone. Then I hear the door open and Y/N walks inside "Hey what are you doing here?" I ask her "Well Ava is asleep moaning Dylan's name so I thought I would come in here" She says "But if we were doing... something you aren't supposed to see?" I ask "Then I would've heard. Can I please stay here?" She asks. I look at Dylan and he nods so we make some space on my bed and she jumps on the bed next to me. We start to talk about some things that are happening in her school. When we watch the movie there is a smutty scene coming up so I cover her eyes "What?" She says confused but when she hears the sounds she covers her ears. Dylan and I laugh a little. When the scene is over I remove my hand from her face and put it on her waist "Thanks Thomas" she whispers. We look over at Dylan and see he's fast asleep. We laugh softly before I turn off the lights and put a blanket over Dylan. I pull Y/N on top of me and give her a few kisses "Be quite, we don't want him to wake up" she whispers "You know that once Dylan closed his eyes and falls asleep it's difficult to wake him up" I whisper back. She giggles sofly and lies down on my chest "Maybe we should get some sleep too" she whispers "Yeah we should it's almost 2 in the morning" I put an other blanket over her as she snuggles into my chest "Goodnight Tommy" She kisses my chest "Goodnight Little Girl" I whisper and kiss her lips softly before wrapping my arms around her tightly and lying my head in the crook of her neck and press some soft kisses against her skin before falling asleep myself.

*The Next Morning*

I lie down on the couch and eat my toast. It is really quite until I hear footsteps coming closer. Probably Dylan. "Dyl, if you want toast you will make it yourself" I tell him. He didn't answer so I look up and see Y/N instead of Dylan "Hey Little Girl" I smirk. She giggles lightly so I put my plate down and pull her on top of me "Mm how did you sleep?" I ask her "Very good. But when you were gone I woke up" she said "Oh I'm sorry, are you still tired?" I ask her. She nods slowly  so I let her lei back down on my chest "Then get some more sleep Little Girl" I tell her. She giggles as I slowly stroke her cheek and wrap my arm around her back.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu