-Simon Brown- •Sharing a bed with a total stranger•

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Your POV
I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't care where my legs were carrying me. I couldn't care anyway. Everywhere is better than there! I reach a big house, much bigger than mine, this could be my new home. It is already starting to get dark so I quickly knock on the door. A man opens it "Um...Hello?" He says "Hello. I know you don't know who I am but I really need your help. Please." I beg "Where are your parents?" He asks "Dead...the woman who adopted me..she's abusing me, I escaped that horrible place. Please, I beg you, help me." I beg. He nods and pulls me inside. I can see all kind of toys on the floor, he must have kids too, "What's your name?" he asks "Y/N." I tell him "You were Y/F/N's daughter. I am so sorry." He says "Don't be." I tell him "Alright. I am Cedric Brown, I was your father's friend before he moved away, you can call me Cedric." He tells me "I am so grateful for you taking me into your house. I can't thank you enough." I tell him "Well, I already have seven children, I don't mind having to take care of one more." He smiled. I smile back, this man is so nice! "Um...should I introduce you to my children or do you want to eat something first?" He asks "Meeting your children would be wonderful." I smile. Seven children? That's a lot! "Alright, follow me." He says and walks towards a room "I have to warn you, they are quit...playful." He says before opening the door. There are things flying around and everything looks dirty. All of the children are running around the room, yelling and screaming "Children. Children!" Cedric tries to stop his kids from screaming. He tries again and again but they don't listen to him. I take a step forward "STOP IT!!" I scream. They all stopped and looked at me, I step back next to Cedric "Children, this is Y/N. She will be staying with us for a while. Y/N this Simon, Tora, Lilly, Crissy, Eric, Sebastian and Aggie." Cedric says. I shyly wave at the children "Hello." I say quietly. Everybody was silent until Aggie started to shake her little rattle "Y/N!" She says "Aww she's so cute." I slowly walk towards Tora, who was holding Aggie and carefully tickle her. She laughs "Can I trust you with her?" He asks his children "Of course, Father." Simon told his father "Alright. Y/N if you need something just scream." Cedric tells me. I nod and watch as he walks away. I turn back to the children "So...we have a new victim." Eric says "What are we going to do with her?" Sebastian asks "She's not a victim, she can be a trouble maker." Simon said and pushed the other kids aside and stepped in front of me "She can be pretty useful but, we will have to test her first." He smirks. 

*Time Skip*

I have to share a bed with Simon. That won't be awkward at all. I sit down at the edge of the bed with Aggie in my arms "Aren't you coming in?" Simon asked with a smirk "I am trying to put your baby sister to sleep." I tell him. He sighs "Why would you care so much?" He asks "She will sleep anyway." "Still, some love before bed doesn't hurt, Simon." I tell him. When Aggie is asleep I put her back to bed. I climb into the bed with Simon "So...what brought you here?" He asks "My legs." I giggle "Why did you come here?" Eric asks "Because I needed a better place to stay." I tell them "Why?" Lilly asks me "My parents died last year when I got adopted I thought I would end up in a place that was safe and loved but, after a few days my new mother started to abuse me. So today I escaped." I tell that "That is horrible." Tora says "Yeah, it is. You must be tired, come on get some sleep." Simon says and lies me down with my head on the pillow. I smile and close my eyes "Goodnight everyone." I say "Goodnight!" They all say. The lights turn off and I start to fall asleep.

Simon POV
Does father know about it? I'll ask about it tomorrow. Y/N is facing me, I watch her as she sleeps peacefully. I put my hands on her hips and pull her closer. She might be a stranger but, I have a good feeling about her. I kiss her forehead  and hold her tightly, 

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