-Samuel Emerson- •Angry But Loved...•

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Samuel POV
"Hey, you need to calm down!" Becket tells me "I can't! How could you possibly ask that of me?!" I yell "He will hear you and take it out on the both of us." He says "Oh so if I don't stop yelling then he would hit you? That's what you're afraid of?!" I ask him "Shut up Sam." He says "No! You see this?" I ask him while pointing at my bloody nose and mouth "This is not just a slap alright?! That bastard is beating me up every fucking day! And you are scared of one slap?!" I yel"You are acting like a child, Sam." He tells me "OPEN THE DOOR!! OPEN THE DOOR YOU HEAR ME?!" Our father yells on the other side of the door "Great going!" Becket says.

*Time Skip*

I hold a little piece of paper against my lip trying to make it stop bleeding. I limp towards the door and ring the doorbell. After a few seconds, the door opened slightly "Who's...Samuel?" She says "Hey Y/N." I say sadly. She quickly opens the door and looks at me worriedly "Who is it, Honey?" Her mother asks from the living room. She pulls me inside "Samuel." She answers and takes me with her to the kitchen. Her parents rushed into the kitchen "That doesn't look very good Son." Her father says. Y/N rushes towards me with a wet cloth and gently wipes the blood away "Thanks, Love." I say "Of course. What are you doing out by the way? Did you sneak out?" She asks "No, he threw me out for the night." I tell her "That's a cruel thing to do to a child. I still think we should call our lawyer or someone else that could help you." Her mother says. I don't say anything "Mom, I think we need some time to think about that. I'll take it from here, he can sleep here right?" She asks her parents "Of course. Just scream if you need anything." Her parents smile and leave the kitchen. When she cleaned my injuries she grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs to her room. She grabbed me some clean clothes and some for herself "You need a shower." She smiles and pulls me into the bathroom with her "Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asks me "Later please." I tell her "Alright." She smiles.

"And that's when you ran?" She asks "Yeah." I sigh. She gently plays with my hair as I lie on her chest "You know you are welcome to live here right?" She says "I know, but he's still my father and I can't leave my brother behind." I tell her "I know, but I don't want you to get hurt whenever you go home. Sammy he's using your talent to make him money that he will only throw away at beer." She reminds me "I know." I sigh "I j-just can't." "I get it. You're angry and sad. Maybe even a little bit lonely sometimes. You feel empty like you're not important." She says "But don't you dare to ever forget that you are loved. By me, my parents and siblings. We love you, care for you, and we definitely wouldn't mind your company at our home." She says. Look up and look into her beautiful eyes "Thank you, Love, that makes me feel a little loved." I tell her "A little?" She giggles "A lot." I correct myself "You look tired. Let's get some sleep." She says. I nod and snuggle closer to her. She kisses my head and pulls the covers over our bodies. My arms are wrapped around her waist tightly as I slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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