-Donald Clarke- •Be my Queen•

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Your POV
I look at him as he draws. I lie down on my stomach and just stare at him "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks not looking up from his sketchbook "Nothing, I just like looking at you while you're drawing." I tell him. He looks at me for a few seconds and then continues to move his pencil over the paper "What are you drawing?" I ask him "Something for a story I am working on." He says "Oh. interesting." I smirk "Is it a hero or a villain?" I ask "Both." He answers "It's the Queen of a dark place. Darkest place you can ever imagine. You could call it...the darkest pit of hell." He tells me. I crawl closer to him and see what he's drawing, a Queen...with my face. I look at him "That's me." I giggle "So?" He asks "Well, it is nice to know that my boyfriend thinks I am an evil queen." I giggle and lie down on his chest "You haven't even heard the full story yet." He says "Tell me." I say looking at him. He chuckles and puts his sketchbook away and wraps his arms around me "She was born in the castle of her parents and they were...not the nicest people you will ever pass. One day, a true superhero sneaked into the darkest pit of hell to talk to the king and queen. He wanted peace. But the King and Queen didn't except that, they were raised to be at war and protect their people, even if that meant they would have to burn other's down." He tells me "Not the kind of story that will end with 'and they lived happily ever after'." I say  "You'll see." He smirks "The Hero imprisoned and murdered her parents. And the princess was angry. She grew up all by herself and taught herself to read, speak, fight and protect her people. She became the Queen of Hell. When she was seventeen years old, the Superhero who ended her Parent's life returned. He was about to end her life when she put her father's knife in his heart. She's the villain because she killed the superhero and she's the Queen of Hell. She's the hero because she saved the lives of her people. The superhero would've murdered her and without her, the people would die." He tells me "I like this story." I tell him "So she's not that evil after all." "No, she isn't. And she's also really beautiful and smart and a good kisser." He smirks "How do you know she's a good kisser?" I ask him "Because I've kissed her before." He says "You kissed with a cartoon character? You cheated on me!" I say looking angry at him "I didn't cheat. You are the queen remember. I kissed you." He smiles and lies me back down on his chest "That's better." I smile and kiss his cheek and cuddle closely to him "I love you." I whisper "I love you too." He says

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