The Icy Embrace

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Footprints in the snow stayed long after the owner of them left them. There was no snowstorm occurring in the current area. Rather, there only was a thick blanket of it on the ground from a prior storm. It covered trunks of pines partially, and the green needles supported blankets of snow upon them. The snow only left such green beds when the branches were pushed aside. No one but the owner of the steps noticed, and it was questionable if even he noted what his body was doing exactly.

To the left of the individual, there was a quiet small town in the mountains. Almost all of the lights, except street lamps were off. A few warm glows came from some homes: a teenager reading into the late hours of the night, a mother having a glass of wine and watching a movie after a long day of watching her two-year-old and a man, tired, but too restless to sleep. The last one was most similar to the owner of the footsteps. He hadn't received a good night's rest for about ... two months? Maybe, it was more or less. Someone could say any timeframe, and he'd probably believe them.

Right now, he had one purpose, but he kept failing on that. He couldn't locate her; he couldn't find where she had been taken. His shoulders were slumped, and exhaustion ate at him like a gluttonous leech. Was he beyond pissed off about her betraying their promise, about her planning his death with another of his kind and about that same male knocking him out only to take his pink flower?

Yes, he was, but even his body had its breaking points. Despite the rage still coursing through him at the whole situation, he couldn't express it outwardly since he just was so worn out from searching. Barely, he was able to clench his fists at the thought of the note that Callest had left behind for him on the porch of one of the homes in Flat Peak.

I have her. You know what I am; you know what I'm capable of, but I'll keep her alive until you find us. I'll give her a special treatment. It'll break her. And when you arrive, I'll perform the finishing move. Whether it kills her is up to you and how quickly you act. Until then, search for us. Find us. The longer you take, the longer she suffers, though; she does deserve what's coming to her. Or, you can forget about her and let me continue her punishment until she dies from age or wear and tear from my treatment. Probably both. She did break her promise to be your murderer; she betrayed you ... Still, reading? Ha!

In that case, here's a hint. Search where our kind usually likes to live. Lots of options and only one right one. I won't move our location unless it becomes compromised, but I'll try to choose one that won't easily will. That gives you something else to look for: abandoned and forgotten locations. Well, not truly forgotten, but you get the drift. Until we meet again.

- Your Punisher, Callest

Back then, he had screamed in a blood-curdling manner. He had tore through every home in Flat Peak and raced through all of the possible tunnel passages below. Nothing had greeted him, and he expected that, but his anger drove him to such actions. That wrath had fueled him for the first two weeks, but that was when tiredness began to kick in. Never, though, did doubt enter his mind about finding (f/n). She may have betrayed him, but she was his partner, his only partner, and they would have a nice lengthy talk once he found her. Some dessert might even be taken from her if she wasn't in too critical condition, but he had a sinking feeling that he would find her bruised and beaten horribly since too much time for his liking was passing.

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