The Rowdy Face-off

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Steadily, like a bubbling brook, the words sank in. Ether's lips twitched up into a menacing grin. His teeth, too much like a human's, revealed themselves. Nearly white locks cast shadows over his very pale blue optics, and nothing but pure anger radiated from his eyes. "Don't you dare say that I'm like him." Low chuckles, restraining growing bloodlust, echoed in the room. Her father almost froze and released him, but he forced himself to stay in place against his better judgment. (F/n) almost collapsed to her knees. There was a heavy chill in the air, and it caused her limbs to tremble.

She parted her lips to try and say something as horrible images flashed through her mind. Swiftly, Ether removed her father's hand from him, only to grab her father and bring him back close with his right hand. All of his left nails rubbed against each other, and he looked ready to skewer her father. (F/n) couldn't move, however; she was paralyzed to her present spot.

"At my core, I'm very different. The fact that you're not dead right now is proof of that." Her father was about to argue, but Ether beat him to it. "And, yes, I'm fully aware that I probably would've killed (f/n) had she not escaped Cankerfell that evening. I've already discussed that with her, and we've settled that issue." Nearly, (d/n) peered back as if to ask his daughter if that was true. "Call that an excuse if you will, but unlike you, your daughter understands the changes I've made and she has accepted them."

Roughly, he tossed her father to the ground before he seated himself on the chair again. Picking himself up on his elbows, (d/n) finally stared back to his daughter, who finally moved a little from her spot. "We have talked about a lot of things," (f/n) muttered, and she wanted to avert her (e/c) eyes from her father's own (e/c) eyes, but she held his gaze. Otherwise, Ether might've lost his temper again, though; admittedly, her father was the one who acted out more for once. "And, I agree that right now we need to focus on mom and my sibling."

On her lips, a small smile did form to reassure her father that she was alright. "Thank you for defending me, dad, but Ether and I ..." Her eyes briefly fell on him, and he locked his gaze with hers until she diverted her optics back to her father. "We've reached an agreement for the time being."

Slowly, (d/n) picked himself up from the ground while (f/n) cautiously went in between the two males. She seated herself on the bed and tried not to shake; however, Ether noticed her action. He released a sigh, but he didn't comment on it. Frankly, Ether would love to butcher her father. His nails were desiring to rip into his flesh and pull him apart, but he was resisting even if his anger wasn't subsiding.

"Fine." Her father clenched his fists. "We do have to worry about that other creature. Should I go get the others?"

"That'd probably be best. We'll wait here," Ether answered, a dark frown still painted on his lips. Her father didn't wait around. Instead, he left the room and, purposefully, didn't close the door behind him. Ether's left nails almost stabbed into his hand. "He's lucky that he's your father." (F/n) stared to her lap. Her own hands clenched, but she couldn't find the words to respond back. "If that had been Nick or even any of the others, I probably wouldn't have been able to resist killing them."

"He's just ..."

Cutting her off, he answered, "Emotional? Stressed? A series of other annoying internal matters?" She nodded. "Yeah, well, all of us are." Her eyes glanced over to his. Ether raised a brow. "Are you mad at me, my little helper?" He leaned forward and grinned a bit, though; it wasn't a friendly one, and she leaned back on the bed by a little bit. "Well, you shouldn't be. Your father's still alive."

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ