The Sad Festivity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Every red blood cell in her body pumped with a predictable, horrid rhythm when one was absolutely terrified to give away something valuable, something vital to their self, but they had no choice but to comply unless they sought greater consequences. What created this rhythm to be even worse was the fact that she hadn't done much to put herself into such a situation. All she had committed was a stupid mistake. Then again, such happenings did have a habit of forming out of such circumstances. Why had she trusted her tormentor to keep his end of the bargain; why had she entrusted him with the task to murder ... Ether?

Part of her gave her an answer different from the one she was acknowledging, and she shoved that away as best as she could. If she didn't, she would've given into that question; her tormentor would be one step closer to taking full control of her, and she wanted to hold onto something. Now, however, the clock was ticking its agonizing hands; it always seemed to be proceeding forward with another dreadful situation. Fingers tapped against the back of the chair, and she noted the slight rocking motion to the item and her. No doubt, he was messing with her more. She was surprised that sixty seconds wasn't up again, but she was grateful too. It meant that she wasn't tilted more towards that gruesome thing; however, her feet and legs weren't spared from a disgusting feeling. Her toes remained in the drying, soft throw-up at her feet, and the pieces of it on her legs were becoming crusty with the air's effects.

Despite all of that, her words were trapped once more within her. How could she respond to that question without giving him more information to feed off of? There was no way around it, and she only would be submitted to a more vile position if she held off for longer. Unfortunately, the chair tipped forward, and she was closer to the ground and the body. A gulp sounded from her, and she felt her blood continuing to pump through her at that hideous pace. "Are you going to answer?"

His voice impacted her ears as though it were metal scraping against metal, but it wasn't high-pitched. It was more mocking and filled with an amused, scratchy and threatening tone. It reminded her of that time back in Flat Peak tunnels. You aren't hiding. If he said that now, it would be very fitting. She wasn't, and she couldn't. (F/n) understood that she couldn't hold onto the answer forever; she would break, and he would carry out his threat. Unlike Ether, he wouldn't give her a timeout; he wouldn't present her with an ... excuse. An excuse for what? Why did that pop up in her head?

"No response? Your time is running out again." She already comprehended that, but she was fearful of both results, and the two were battling it out as her thoughts only grew more jumbled and confused. "This must've been some accident." He had no idea. If she hadn't made it, she wouldn't be stuck in the current atrocious spot; she would be back home and enjoying homemade ginger cookies. That image of such a simple luxury almost made her cry out a sob since it seemed so distant and ... lost. No, it nearly was lost but not entirely.

Maybe, that could get her to respond to him with the truth. The hope that her parents remained alive and that she somehow could get back to them and at least ensure their safety existed within her even if it was dwindling. As long as she had that, what did it matter? But, what question was that? It mattered because she didn't know how much longer she could hold onto it all with the immense pain she was enduring. Time never had seemed so long. More tears dripped down her skin, and she wondered how she had any left after all of them that had slipped away from her.

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