The Rich Achievement

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

On her lips, a bitter smile formed, and she shook her head. It was ... soothing to hear his words, but she couldn't believe them. He couldn't make that promise no matter how much he wanted to. Beforehand when she was dealing with him, she knew that he wouldn't kill her after a time; she knew that he upheld his deals and that she could live and protect her family. The other creature's promises meant little if not nothing. There were no deals with him, and her mother and sibling were in danger. Ether didn't have control over the situation; he was trying to gain the upper hand, but that attainment wasn't a hundred percent certain. Softly, the words slipped from her mouth. "You can't be certain of that."

Her (e/c) eyes stared down to her lap, and the smile remained. Ether went to argue, but she managed to cut him off that time. "It's true. I don't want to die. I even asked for you to get rid of these thoughts from my head by ending the other creature. I guess ..."

"You still doubt my success." She nodded to his statement, and he sighed, managing to calm himself down a little. "You know that the worst could happen." Once more, she nodded. Another sigh left him. "Well, we made it this far, and you were worried that we wouldn't make it because of my driving. But, we're here, and we're getting closer. It's nerve-wracking, but it also means that we're one step closer to ending all of this."

Ether leaned back on the seat a little bit, and he took the proper procedures to downshift for a turn. Neither of them spoke while he made the turn, and he shifted up again when the turn was over and the road became straight again. "And if both he and I die, then this nightmare really will end for you. You can make up some excuse for where you've been this whole time, or you could pursue what you wanted to and move somewhere else. There would be a lot of options."

"You don't seem mad about that possibility happening." She glanced over to him out of the corners of her eyes, and his expression was neutral. "Are you really fine with that?"

"No, I'm not, but it's better than me dying and him living. I'll take that option any day over the other one if it comes down to those two possibilities, and me living becomes impossible. I think that my only regret will be that it won't be you killing me."

"You already ..."

"I know that you can't kill me anymore, but the idea of him being the one to do it is ... unappealing. I'll accept it if I have to, if it means saving you." His left nails tapped against the steering wheel. "But, my concern is how you're acting." She didn't say a word. "Will you be able to do your part when we get to the factory? Will you be able to pretend to sleep while he makes threats to your mother and sibling? Will you be able to stand back until Nick and Deidre act?"

Silence was his immediate answer. Her hands tightened around each other, and she squeezed them. She wanted to nod in the affirmative, and she knew that her meeting those objectives were crucial to the plan. He sighed, and his head hung a little bit, but it wasn't out of disappointment. If anything, it was out of concern for her. "Then, think about keeping your mother and sibling safe. You'll be knocked out for awhile so that part won't be an issue, but when you awake, try to block out anything he says. I know that will be hard given what he's done to you," his nails stabbed into the wheel a little bit, "but you're going to have to try and remind yourself that you're no longer in that subway."

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