The Muddy Examination

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Ice mingled with the dirt around the edges of the crumbling paved road, and various weeds and other flora grew up and through the muddy concoction. More of the plants popped up through the cracks in the pavement, and they all had a coating of winter on them. Some still thrived, and others looked as if they were on their last legs. Fingers extended out towards one of the weeds as the individual crouched down beside it. She plucked it from the earth and twirled the stem between her cold fingertips. "Looks like another three-leaf," a voice mentioned from above her. She nodded her head and brushed back some loose strands of light brown hair. Her light blue eyes glanced up to him, and she grinned a bit.

"But," she plucked another one from the ground and held it slightly under the other one until only one leaf was showing on it, "it's now a four-leaf." Ren smiled and shook his head before he stared over to Nick and Deidre who were inspecting the road up ahead of them. Chris stood up too and placed the plants in one of her coat pockets.

All of them were searching for any signs that the ghost actually was something else. In particular, they were examining the area for possible tracks. It had been a couple of days since the disappearance of Daisy Calfisher, but tracks might still be left behind since it hadn't snowed in the area for a few weeks according to locals. "Anything yet?" Chris questioned as Ren and she caught up to the other two.

"No, we could go off of the road, but the thickness of the trees is concerning. We could get lost in those woods without a map, and the other side of the road is just dead grass, ice, mud and the backs of buildings. We've already checked that side for anything." Nick placed his hands in his grey coat pockets and glanced over the nearby scenery. "And with the trees' density, I doubt that the writer would've seen a ghost and the people through them."

"And, he saw them with the ghost right before they actually were reported missing, right?" Deidre questioned, crouching beside the left side of the road and looking for any prints in the mud.

"Yeah, and he didn't report them because he didn't want to seem crazy or become the suspect himself," Nick mentioned, turning towards the direction of where the subway entrance was.

"I think that the town already considers him crazy," Ren remarked, walking up beside Nick and glancing over to him briefly. "Otherwise, the police would've pulled him in with that blog post." Nick nodded and averted his eyes down to the paved road. He kicked some of the pieces of asphalt before he stared ahead once more. "Should we check out the entrance now? We're not finding anything of use out here. We might once we have our gear set up, but right now, it just looks abandoned."

"I think so. We've already spent a few hours out here, and we want to have some time for dinner before we get everything ready. It's going to be a long watch." Nick began to walk forwards, and the others followed after him. "We'll take turns, though, if anyone needs to rest their eyes, and we'll have snacks too. I just don't want anyone to be by themselves at any point in time."

"We won't be," Chris answered, smiling reassuringly. "Even though this place is covered in sunlight now and seems empty of anyone else, it still has a ... kind of unnerving vibe." Her smile fell, and her optics focused on the trees ahead of them where the subway entrance was. "And, it's only getting worse." She placed her hands in her coat pockets. "Maybe, it's the stories of the suicides and that murderer, but those two stories do give weight to why they let the entrance be covered by trees. The townspeople back then might've been more superstitious and might've not wanted to let anything out."

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