The Frail Exchange

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A near silence existed between the two of them. Quiet tears dripped down his cheeks, and his breathing mixed in with the sound created from her own breaths. Ether sat up straighter and lifted up his arms as though he intended to race forward and wrap his arms around her, but they fell back down and hesitated in lifting up again. All tiredness from before left her, and she finally could feel some of her fear of falling back asleep diminish. At last, her questions could be answered; they could talk about what had happened, yet her words were stuck. His lips parted, and words finally broke the quiet between them. "... You're awake," he muttered in seeming disbelief. He blinked as though she would disappear before his very eyes, but she remained there when they opened back up. The creature didn't bother wiping his tears, and a relieved smile met his lips.

"... Yeah," she spoke out softly as her voice worked again. It felt weird hearing herself, especially with such a quiet tone. Before, she was screaming, begging or crying out anything she said. Noting that his eyes remained locked on her, some shock evident in his gaze, she wanted to divert her optics elsewhere, but she didn't; she had to keep her ground. She couldn't let what had happened in the subway cloud her mind too much, but she couldn't deny things either. They were out in the open now, and she didn't have the strength to hide them once more.

"It's so good ..."

"We need to talk," she cut him off. The firmness in her tone surprised her, and she almost sat up in the process, but her weakened form stayed practically flat against the bed. Ether didn't say anything immediately, and his eyes stared down to his own lap. A slight frown fell upon his lips, but it wasn't directed at her. Rather, it came from the memories of recent events. Maybe, she should've waited longer to bring up the subject, but they might've never gotten to it otherwise given how intense everything had been back in the subway.

"I know," he finally replied, bringing his gaze back to her. "How you were back there ..." He trailed off and shifted his optics away from her before they fell back onto her (e/c) orbs. His eyes searched hers. "Even now, I can see the pain; that fire in you ... It has gone practically cold." The creature clenched his hands on his knees, and she noted that his nails stabbed into the palm of his left hand a little. "What Cal ..." Instantly, he noted how she winced. "What he did to you ... Nick told me what that worthless a**hole told him." Ether looked over her covered body, and she knew that he had seen all of her scars and bruises. Shame entered his optics. "I'm sor ..."

"It's not your fault." Immediately, he locked his eyes onto hers again. She averted her eyes elsewhere. "I made the deal with him; I trusted him." Ether looked ready to argue when she met his optics again. "I betrayed our deal, and I," a new fear filled her eyes, "failed." (F/n) couldn't help but close her eyes as the reality of her words finally hit her. Sleep didn't try to consume her, and she felt tears tickle the corners of her eyes again, threatening to cause another torrent of them. "Y-You're still alive, and I-I-I ..."

With the threat carried through, tears started again down her cheeks. She heard movement at the side of the bed, and she heard his soft footfalls, but she didn't open her eyes. "And, I-I-I ..." Her words stopped when she felt a weight on the left side of the bed. The sheets were moved aside a bit, and she felt hands gently guide her to her left. Nails glided across her, but they never cut into her skin.

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